New Labyrinths
Marty Cain is one of America's most prolific labyrinth builders. This temporary one she installed at the Harvard/Radclife Quadrangle. The yellow lines mark underground veins of water. There are tunnels connecting the various buildings on this quadrangle, and in the tunnels, she marked the veins as well
This is a temporary feather labyrinth that Marty made also in Boston in 1994 as a Peace Labyrinth. She has built over one-hundred-and-thirty labyrinths in the US, Brazil and in South Africa and she dowses each one for location, orientation and shape. She's one of the best.
A magical maze by Alex Champion. a builder of interesting maze/labyrinths in California. Even though this is not a labyrinth, it is definately magical, and, if you're following the flow, there is only one path, and magic will happen!
This is a Classical Seven Circuit Labyrinth built for the Sancta Sophia Seminary in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Sig Lonegren, who helped locate her Light of Christ Community Church is standing next to Carol Parrish, the spiritual teacher, who is the head of the Seminary.
A number of labyrinths were constructed as a result of a Sacred Space school Sig taught in Vermont. This one is called Randy's Labyrinth, and it was made by an artist who was interested in recording her project at different times of the year. Note the remnants of the Winter's snow.
The Otto Labyrinth in at the Mountain Valley Center, and was open to the public in April 1998. It is made of 10 tons of stone and sits in a high energy spot with a creek on two sides, a pond on the third and a hillside of mountain laurel above.
Information and Directions can be found here.
This one was made by Lynn Shelton as a final project for one of Sig Lonegren's Sacred Space School classes. He made it with a lawn mower - very temporary, and requires lots of upkeep. All labyrinths, regardless of what they are made of, need on-going maintenance.