Daemon- A Greek word for spirit.
Days of Power- Significant magickal days around the year. See also Sabbats.
Dedication- acceptance of the Craft as a path and a vow to study and learn the lore and information to become an adept.
Degree- The level or status of a practitioner of magick. You must face various tests of knowledge and practical experience in order to progress to another degree within your tradition.
Deity- A supreme or devine being, a god and/or goddess.
Deosil- (jesh'el) Clockwise. Used often to describe movement in rituals. The opposite is Widdershins.
Divination- The art of peering into the unknown by interpreting random patterns or symbols. Incorrectly referred to as "fortune telling". examples include: tarot cards, the I Ching, rune stones, staring (scrying) into water or fire, etc.
Divine Power: the Life Force or Energy, which exist in the God and Goddess and the ultimate source of all things.
DO AS YOU WILL, BUT HARM NONE : The Wiccan Rede, the great law of Wicca. Because what you do comes back to you -through Karma- magic and all other actions should be used for constructive purposes only. Using ones actions for harm is wrong and will only bring harm to you in the end.
Doctrine of Signatrues- The theory that flowers, herbs, plants and other living things have a unique quality or vibration.
Dowsing- The act of using a pendulum or stick to locate a person,place,thing, or element.Dowsing can also be used to answer yes or no questions.
Dracomancer- A practitioner of magick who uses dragons in their workings.
Drake- A dragon, generally refers to a young one.
Drawing Down the Moon- An ancient Pagan ritual enacted at the Esbats to draw the power of the full moon. Commonly to empower yourself and unite with a particular deity usually a moon Goddess.
Dreamtime- The Shamanic concept of a world which parallels this one.
Druidism- An ancient celtic order of priests which has undergone a modern revival into neo-paganism.