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Magick's MirrorContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Please answer any questions  and do each thing listed below .  This must pe performed and finsihed to be to me by the last day of this month.  Please send your assignemnt to

1. How so you prepare for a dumb supper?  Explain what this is and how you would set one up in your home.  Did you have one for Samhain?

2.  What would you say to a person if they ask you were "into" witchcraft" ?

3.  When someone comes into your home, what do they see"  What do they say they feel?

4.  You are many months into your training as a Priestess of the Goddess,  How do you show that in your daily life ?

5.  Explain what Grounding is and how you do this.

6.  What is meditation and how often do you practice this important part of our path?

7.  As you know, it is very important to do regular meditation as it helps to fine tune the focus in your rituals as well as directing energy in spellwork.  Please write a meditation and perform this meditation.  After you have done so, send both the written meditation and your personal results. 

When you have finished this assignment, please send your November Lesson to [email protected].  When I have corrected it and gotten back to you, You may then have the option of posting it to your personal board.

Bright Blessings

~Lady Majyk~