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General : 13 Goals of a Witch class (Open Circle )
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 10/17/2006 8:55 PM
13 Goals of a Witch
  • 1. Know yourself
  • 2. Know your craft
  • 3. Learn
  • 4. Apply knowledge with wisdom
  • 5. Achieve balance.
  • 6. Keep your words in good order
  • 7. Keep your thoughts in good order
  • 8. Celebrate life
  • 9. Attune with the cycles of the earth
  • 10.Breathe and eat correctly
  • 11. Exercise the body
  • 12. Meditate
  • 13. Honor the Goddess and God

Know yourself

  • How can we know ourselves?
  • Ask ourselves questions.
  • What kind of person am I?
  • What does Wicca mean to me?
  • How can I improve myself?

Know your craft

  • How can we know our craft?
  • What does the craft mean to you?
  • How can we learn more?


  • Isn’t that what we are doing?
  • Is there a point when we are done learning?
  • We should continue to learn throughout our days.

Apply knowledge with wisdom

  • Apply our daily learning into our lives.
  • Use our wisdom to help integrate new ideas and lessons
  • When learning something new, don’t change everything simply to incorporate it

Achieve balance

  • How can we achieve balance?
  • Meditate
  • Don’t over specialize
  • Be aware of all aspects
  • If you work with Fire, be sure to do some work with the other elements as well
  • Remember to honor the God as well as the Goddess

Keep your words in good order

  • The way we say things can alter their meaning, keep that in mind
  • When wording spells, we should keep in mind what we want the spell to do and the best way to convey that.
  • When speaking to others about your beliefs and the craft, be sure your words truly express what you want them to

Keep your thoughts in good order

  • This is extremely helpful with #6. If your thoughts are in good order, then your words will be too.
  • Assess yourself and your thoughts often.
  • Keeping a journal can help and be sure to review it from time to time

Celebrate life

  • Remember that life is a gift, not just human life, but all life.
  • Set aside time to enjoy the flowers, trees, and plants
  • Smile and hum a little tune because every day is worthy of celebration

Attune with the cycles of the Earth

  • Harmonize yourself with the rhythm of life
  • Celebrate the Sabbats
  • Honor life in the spring and death in the fall

Breathe and eat correctly

  • By breathing properly we attune ourselves with the natural rhythms of life
  • Focusing on our breathing can help us to relax and focus our thoughts
  • When we eat properly we have the energy we need to accomplish our daily tasks
  • If we allow ourselves to eat only junk food then our bodies will be unhealthy and thus unable to provide the proper energy we need for our craft

Exercise the body

  • Working our muscles creates energy that we need
  • You don’t have to dedicate yourself to becoming an athlete, just remember that we benefit from some form of exercise on a regular basis


  • It is vital to all goals already mentioned that we meditate
  • With meditation we can attune with ourselves, nature, the Goddess and the God
  • When we meditate we focus our thoughts and our feelings allowing us to better know ourselves and our craft
  • Meditation helps us understand what we don’t understand and learn from our experiences

Honor the Goddess and the God

  • Do our actions reflect the Goddess and God in our lives?
  • Admire the Moon and respect the Sun
  • Open your heart to the lessons they have for us and remember to reflect often because we don’t always recognize or appreciate the lessons at the time
  • Thank the Goddess and the God for all they have provided us on a regular basis


Try to keep these things in your thoughts. Reflect daily, or at least often, on them.

Are we living up to these goals?

What areas do we need to work on?

 Pat yourself on the back for meeting goals.

We are a work in progress and as we learn and grow, our thoughts and ideas will change.

As long as we keep in mind what our goals are, we will be headed in the right direction.

I look forward to reading your thoughts on each of these Goals of a Witch.

Bright Blessings

Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 10/17/2006 8:58 PM
Student assignment s from this class is listed in posts below.
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameGolden_Lion_of_Assens</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 7/7/2006 11:22 AM
Assignment Thread - What these mean to me.......

1. Know Yourself - To be comfortable with the self, and know my purpose here on earth.

2. Know your Craft - What naturally is created by me is my craft.

3. Learn - A constant opportunity to better my learning adn to teach what I learn.

4. Apply Knowlegde w/Wisdom - Be thoughtful and cast no judgements.

5. Acheive Balance - Being centered, keeping the pendulum from swinging to far from side to side.

6. Keep your words in good order - Mind what you say for you create karma that may not be easy to absolve.

7. Keep your thoughts in good order - The mind sends out vibrations, and our health ad those around us can be affected by those vibrations.

8. Celebrate Life - Each day is a present and should be celebrated by some acknowledgement.

9. Attune with the cycles of Earth - Each cycle has a purpose that we learn from.

10. Breathe and eat correctly - Keep the body functioning properly sothat it can receive earths vibrations.

11. Exercise the body - This vessel is what gets us through the learning process here on earth, it is important to keep it healthy.

12. Meditate - All the mind to flow so that it may give and receive during our day to day life.

13. Honor the god and goddess - The divine is in all of us, and we should honor ourselves as we each hold the god and goddess of our higher self within......


From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameMystikalSummerStarr_</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 7/12/2006 12:34 PM
1)  Know myself- I need to be in touch more with my own body and the feelings that it has. If my body tells me I should do something then I should follow what ti says.
2) Know your craft- I should know all there is to know about my craft and follow the ways of the old.
3)Learn- You can never know to much. I will learn fom others, books and from myself and let the Goddess and God trach me.
4)Apply your knowledge- I shall practice all that I learn as the ways of th old.
5) Achieve Balance- I need to achieve more balance in my mundane life as well as my magickal because theya re really the one and the same.
6) Keep your words in good order- I shall make sure I think before I say. Words mean a lot and when said wrong could harm someone when you don't mean too.
7) Keep your thopughts in good order- I will think positive at all times.
8) Celebrate life- I will enjoy everyday like it could be my last. Take in all the wonders of nature and take time to smell the roses.
9) Attune with the cycles of the earth- I will celebrate all the esbats and sabbats and include them in my daily life.
10)Breath and eat correctly- I will eat more healthy and take time to breath. It does make a difference.
11) Exercise the body- I will exercise my body by taking daily walks in nature, also I will exercise my body in a spiritual way.
12) Meditate- I will meditatie daily. Even if it is only for a few minutes to clearn my mind, leads for a more focused day.
13) Honor the Goddess and God- I will pay apprication to the Gods and Goddesses by way of ritual, spells, meditation and just to live the life of a Goddess.

From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameSkadhiEchoWing</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 7/13/2006 7:19 AM
1. Know Yourself- I need to listen to myself more and feel comfortable with doing the things that I feel are correct in my life.
2. Know Your Craft- The craft is me and I am the craft. I am always ready to learn from the lessons that are taught to me no matter how big or small. I follow the ways of the wise.
3. Learn- I hope to learn for the rest of my days and I shall never stop or surely I will be no more. I derive lessons from every aspect of my daily life.
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameAngelFire13</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 7/19/2006 8:12 AM
  1. Know yourself �?I had a similar question in one of my Human Relations Classes in college. It really takes a lot of soul searching to know ones self inside not just our name, where we were born, or even who our parents are. It has to do with who we are inside, what we are about, as suppose to what our religious beliefs are, or even our sexual preference is. I have always been told that to know ones self is to love ones self. I have recently gone through a hard week and have found ut a lot especially about myself. Some good and some not so good but I do know I need to try to stay focused and pay more attention to the Goddess and me. I am important to me but also the Goddess.
  2. Know your craft �?Well I think this has to do with education find out everything you can about the craft before you decide on whether to take this path or not. Once you make the decision you can find out how to live and work your craft. Like everything else if you know nothing about the craft you should not even try anything you might hurt someone as well as yourself. I feel that what ever path one chooses he or she should find out about it so they can know what they are getting into.
  3. Learn �?I was told by my Mom while I was growing up you never stop learning and you can never know everything. Life is a learning process when we stop learning we cease to exist. We are always learning that why I like the fact that we have combined the coven with the school. We can learn a lot from each other no matter how much we know. I know he more I learn the about my craft the cloer I feel to the Goddess and to knowing myself.
  4. Apply knowledge with wisdom �?To me this is very important it has to do with what we have been taught by our elders and combining it with the knowledge that we have and are still acquiring. History has told us that wisdom is greater than power. In my eyes you can’t have one without the other if you have wisdom you will be able to gain much knowledge. Everyday whether I am doing a spell, incantation, blessing, or just honoring thy Goddess I always apply the knowledge and wisdom I have.
  5. Achieve balance �?This to me is in order to be at peace one has to achieve balance in ones life. Whether you are talking about family, work, relaxation or any other part of your life. Just like if there is a crack in a glass eventually it will break because the crack made the glass weak. In life if there is an imbalance there will be a weak spot which will cause chaos and unhappiness. Balance is necessary for all things even in the wild. In order to be able to achieve goals whether for the coven or my home life I have to achieve a balance between both. I found out the hard way if I am not happy a home I am can’t do my work. I also reflect how I feel to those I love and care about.
  6. Keep your words in good order �?That’s with anything especially when you are trying to educate someone about ones craft or religion. It also means that if you re doing a spell, incantation, or a ritual if the words are not in the right order things might backfire. No matter what we do when we speak the words should be in the right order. This reminds me of my Public Speaking class we had to do several different types of speeches. Each one was graded on a points system and one was if the words were n the right order. We were told when you are speaking don’t change the word order otherwise they wont understand you.
  7. Keep your thoughts in order �?I have to stay focused and positive in order to achieve my goals. 
  8.   Celebrate life �?It means what it says celebrate no one is on this earth forever we should celebrate life everyday. We can not predict what will happen from day to day life is precious it should not be taken for granted.
  9. Attune with the cycles of the earth �?I need to make the cycles part of my every day life not only during Esbats and Sabbats but on a regular basis. The Earth should be celebrated every day in some way.
  10. Breathe and eat correctly �?This is saying take care of your self inside as well as outside. When one feels good inside you feel good outside as well. Also when you take care of your self that reflects who you are. I will take better care of myself inside and out for me, my husband, my friends, and thy goddess.
  11. Exercise the body �?In a way that should be combined with #10 when your body is healthy inside and out you feel good about your self. I feel a lot better if I exercise whether it is a routine or just taking a walk. Muscles tend to ge stiff if not moving in some way. I have heard doctors mention as we get older we even need to keep the mind exercised read something. I will exercise both my body and my mind every day.
  12. Meditate �?With this I have found meditation to be a time to relax, a time to get away, and also a time to reflect what I have done. The mind, body, and soul are one and should be healthy to be able to grow. I will make my times of meditation part of my daily routine.
  13. Honor the Goddess and God �?This is self explanatory whether it is during a ritual or just waking up they should be honored every day. I know I have a long ay to go but I dedicated my life to this craft and the Goddess and God. I thank them every day for all that they have done for me and they have come every time I called upon them.


When I finished these I thought about it and realized every day is different with many goals. I have to apply everything to my life both inside and out I have to stay true to my Goddess and God as well as my family.

4. Apply Knowledge With Wisdom- I apply my teachings to my daily life and watch how it affects all that surrounds me. Some of these lessons fit into my life breathing and some take practice to feel comfortable.
5. Achieve Balance- I have been working on my meditation place since this winter and enjoy sitting there in the morning to listen to the Lord and Lady and ground myself. I need to take the time to meditate more.
6. Keep Your Words in Good Order- I have always been taught that it isn't what you say, but how you say it. Now I know that it is both. Words are strong and we must be careful to say what we mean. Basically, think before we speak.
7. Keep Your Thoughts in Good Order- It's good to clear out the negativity in your thoughts to keep your actions and words pure too. I do love the journal suggestion and hope to start one soon.
8. Celebrate Life- I find joy in the smallest thing and it truly makes my heart happy. I sing and dance and do the things that make me content and daily Thank the Lord and Lady for all the blessings they have given me.
9. Attune With the Cycles of the Earth- I need to make myself more attuned and familiar with the Sabbats and Esabats and make them part of my natural calendar.
10. Breathe and Eat Correctly- I have been practicing my breathing and find that when I am excited, if I just breathe deeply and slowly it calms me down greatly. I have also been trying to cook good food for myself and my family. Oh and drink lots of water too.
11. Exercise the Body- If our bodies are sluggish then so is our magick. I can really charge myself with a good dance or brisk walk. I am ready to take on all that is put before me.
12. Meditate- I personally need to meditate more than my morning meditation because I am so emotion filled. It helps me to ground and sort out all my thoughts or just empty them for a bit.
13. Honor the Goddess and God- I do thank the Goddess and God on a daily basis and understand that they both have a place in my life and heart. They are me and I am them.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 10/17/2006 9:22 PM
What is a Witch Study announcement (open Cirle)

Welcome Everyone!!

I hope you will come to

Light & Shadows / Mstikal Seasons

1st Degree Study Circle


Wednesday June 28


2:00 p.m. Pacific Time

At our First Study Hall we are going to learn all about

"What is a Witch?"

Have you ever wondered what it is really all about?

“So many hear the word "WITCH" and immediatly think of the witch of Hansel & Gretel or the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of OZ...or how about the Good Witch "Glenda"...There are so many in our childhood stories that it is no wonder everyone looks twice at anyone that is a WITCH!

The stereotype and thoughts that come to society has nothing to do with the real meaning of Witch...

There are many things to think about and in this study session, we will look at what is really means to have the honor of that title. �?BR>

I hope you will all come and join us for a wonderful session .

Come with your questions and your advice. 

 We will look at so much that you will be surprised at how fast the hour fact, it may run over a bit so be prepared for that.

We will start promptly as we have a lot to cover so if you want to come in early to the

Magickal Workshop Meeting Room,

(if you have not joined this combined group, please do so right away)

 where we meet, you are welcome to do so...and have your greetings and fun time before we start this very interesting class.

If you have ever wondered about the true meaning f "Witch", this is a class you should not miss...

I look forward to seeing you there!!

Brightest Blessings

Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl

AHPs of Light & Shadows