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General : How much do you know about Witchcraft?
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 12/5/2007 1:56 AM

How much do you know about Witchcraft?

Question One- What is a Witch?

a) A member of an Earth-based Tradition

b) Someone who works with Magick

c) Someone who has supernatural powers

d) A follower of the Wiccan faith

e) A person who lives wisely


Question Two- Where does Witchcraft originate?

a) Western Europe- Celtic Civilisation

b) The paleolithic tribes of Europe

c) It descends from the practices of Siberian Shamans

d) Witchcraft is a universal concept and is not limited by culture or creed

e) Twentieth Century England


Question Three- How do Witches see Divinity?

a) Pantheistic- the belief that the Divine resides within everything

b) Monotheistic- the belief that there is one Divine form

c) Polytheistic- the belief that the Divine takes many individual forms

d) Animistic- the belief that all things *animate or not* have a soul

e) Personal- Witches subscribe to whatever belief they feel is most relevant to them


Question Four- What is a Spell?

a) A Spell is parallel to that of a prayer

b) A Spell is to harness the potency of assorted items which are fuelled by the mind's intent to work towards a goal

c) A Spell is to invoke the energies of an entity or Divine-form and use the form as a vessel to carry your intent into the Universe

d) A form of changing manipulating, changing or creating situations and things by supernatural means

e)  A Spell acknowledges the process of off-setting the perception of conscious life to emphasise aspects of life (through interaction with the unconscious planes)


Question Five- What makes a Witch?

a) The belief that each individual possesses an inner-energy that can be worked with to enhance life

b) Being able to trace your geaneology to an ancestor who was a known practicing Witch

c) An interest in the occult

d) Seeing nature as sacred

e) Reading a book on Witchcraft


Question Six- When faced with a problem are learned Witch does what?

a) Consult their form of oracle to decide whether the long-term affects of a Spell are worth the effort or not

b) Work through it weaving both the mundane and the Magickal together to insure a beneficial outcome

c) Reject the Magickal in favour for the mundane; Magick comes as a last resort

d) Crash into the problem head-on; casting several Spells along the way

e) Do nothing in hope that it passes


Question Seven- Does gender play an important part in Witchcraft?

a) To embrace the sacred roles of your gender is essential for the practicing of Witchcraft!

b) To acknowledge gender exercises the natural processes of life

c) Gender is merely a mask; In the end it is only the spirit that persists

d) SEX IS GOOD- therefore anything to do with what gender you are is important in Witchcraft

e) Both the material and the ether are reflections of the self.  It all has its importance in the grand scheme of things


Question Eight- What does the phrase 'If a Witch can't harm, than a Witch can't heal'?

a) That both the dark and light should be embraced so that a Witch can achieve their full potential

b) If you are planning to become a doctor, kill as many people as you predict you are going to save...

c) A Witchs' neutral outlook is only as defined as the negative and the positive in them; Therefore if a Witch refuses to play part in the cycles of death and destruction, how can they inspire new life and healing

d) The potential to heal is only equated by the potential to harm- balance is the key

e) The phrase is a remnant of a Crowley past!  Witches teach love and light...

RESULTS- Add up the scores next to your corrosponding answers

Q 1. a) 3 b) 5 c) 1 d) 2 e) 4

Q 2. a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 5 e) 1

Q 3. a) 4 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 5

Q 4. a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 1 e) 4

Q 5. a) 5 b) 1 c) 3 d) 4 e) 2

Q 6. a) 3 b) 5 c) 4 d) 2 e) 1

Q 7. a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 1 e) 5

Q 8. a) 3 b) 1 c) 5 d) 4 e) 2

If you got:


Dedicant- You are probably only beginning to earth yourself in the concepts of Witchcraft.  So the idea that Witchcraft is all love and light is probably reassuring at the moment.  You are still recovering from that feeling of being hung upside down when you realised Witchcraft was your path.  Keep reading and do not be afraid to have opinions!


Initiate- You are on your way!  You realise now that Witchcraft exercises balance and you have drawn away from the belief that Magick can be either black or white.  Now instead of becoming self-righteous in your attitude to newbies, why don't you go help them out with your steady wealth of wisdom!


Adept-  Whoah!  Slow down you are giving Starhawk a run for her money!!!  You truly walk your talk and know that Life is as it comes.  Your experience and journey is unravelling still before you!  Enjoy!  I salute you

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