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General : Candle Safety
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 3/11/2008 5:35 AM
Follow these Basic Safety & Burning Precautions when making candles:
  • Always use a double boiler when melting wax.  Never melt over direct heat.
  • Never attempt to melt wax in an enclosed area such as an oven or microwave.
  • Never leave melting wax unattended.  Keep melting wax out of the reach of children and pets!
  • Always have a fire extinguisher (chemical type not water type) in your workshop.  Never use water to put out a wax fire, it will spread the fire!  If you don't have a proper fire extinguisher nearby, use baking soda, sand or flour to extinguish the flames.
  • Remove melting wax from heat immediately if it begins to smoke.  Wax will not boil, but will smoke and catch fire if it gets too hot.  If a fire starts, remove pan from heat, smother fire with baking soda, and cover pan with a metal lid.  Do not disturb pan until it is cooled.
  • Do not pour wax near the stove or any flame, or in the sink, as it will clog up the plumbing.
  • If you drip hot wax on your skin, rinse immediately in cold water.  Do not try to wipe off the hot wax, as it will spread the burn.  After soothing with cold water, treat the burn.
  • Do not pour over-heated wax in a plastic mold, as it will melt the mold.  In glass containers, make sure the pouring temperature is not too hot or it can crack or shatter the glass.
  • Do not let any water drip into your melting wax.  It can cause it to sputter and pop.
  • Always test burn your candles before giving or selling them!  When test burning, remember to follow the common rules of candle burning on your caution labels:  Never leave a burning candle unattended.  Always burn candles in a candle holder or on a heat resistant surface.  Never allow wick trimmings or match stubs to remain in the top of a burning candle.  
  • Remember to never lean too close over a burning candle, especially if wearing hairspray.  Always keep long hair tied back and out of danger of falling into the flame.
  • Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle's flame.  Blowing out a candle can cause the melted wax in the pool to splatter onto your furniture.
  • Always keep your wicks trimmed to about 1/4 inch to prevent a smoking candle.
  • Keep burning candles away from drafts.  Drafts will cause the candle to burn unevenly, drip and smoke.

Candle & Wax Clean Up Tips:

  • Take precautions to prevent melted wax from getting on clothes, furniture and kitchen counters.  Cover your work surface with old newspapers and wear an apron, and have plenty of paper towel nearby.
  • Candle wax can be removed from garments and furniture.  All wax spills are best removed after the wax has hardened.  Wax spilled on wool, for example, can be refrigerated, then brushed out when the wax is cold and brittle.
  • Many liquid household cleaners will dissolve wax.  Read directions before using.
  • Chill, then scrape off pieces of wax left on pots, pans and tools.  Then submerge in boiling water and follow with regular dishwashing.
  • Clean your molds every three or four times of use.
  • To remove wax from carpet, set your iron on low heat and get an old towel.  Place the towel on the spilled wax and press down with the iron.  The towel will absorb the wax.  Keep repeating this using different spots on the towel until all the wax substance is out of the carpet.  If a little wax remains and the iron method has gotten all it can, let remaining wax harden and brush carpet and vacuum.  Then try using a liquid carpet cleaner to remove any coloring that may have remained.
Here is a flyer you can print and give with your candles.  Teach your customers how to burn their candles right!
Candle Safety Flyer
Here is a flyer on the truth about candle wicks to give to your customers who want to know how safe candles are to burn!
Wick Info Flyer
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