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General : How to Make a Magick Carpet
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 4/10/2008 3:58 AM
How to Make a Magick Carpet

Author: Magdylan Meridian
This is the first Craft project I did after self-dedication. I had trouble visualizing a sacred circle when I first started Solitary working. So I decided to make a physical circle for myself so I had help 'visualizing' my sacred space. At any rate - this works out rather well. It's a personal size sacred circle that can even be used in the home of someone who's not yet out of the broom closet. The trick is �?you use the under side of an area rug to make your circle. You can simply flip it right side up when not in use.

How to Make a Magick Carpet

The carpet that I have is a fairly plain, green 7' x 4' area rug (with bound edges). You will want a piece of carpet large enough to fit a space around yourself and, if you wish, a small altar. An alternative would be a heavy blanket or piece of cloth.

Suggested tools:
Measuring tape or yard stick
A thumbtack
String (shoe string will do)
A small round dish or candleholder
Colored permanent markers
Any herbs you wish to use (essential oils, stones)
A Friend

Clear a space large enough so that you can have the carpet spread out to work on. Now flip the carpet so that the back is facing up.

Figure out where you want your circle to be - centered - top or bottom. You may like to have yours perfectly centered on the carpet. You may want to consider furniture placement �?if you plan to put a chair or other piece of furniture �?the legs might place a small dent or mark that can be seen on the other side. You may wish to place your circle to avoid this. Mine is just a little off-centered for no other reason than that it seemed to make more sense to me that way.

Once you know where you want it placed, use the measuring tape/yard stick to find the mid-point of the carpet. The mid-point between the two long sides is the easiest to measure.

Tack one end of the string to the mid-point of what will be your circle. This is the first place where your friend will come in handy. It’s easier if someone holds the tack/string in place.

Then, tie or hold the other end of your string to a black permanent marker. Pull the string taut and use the marker to scribe out a full circle.

Once that is done, untie the marker (if you tied it to the string) make the string somewhere between 1 to 2 inches shorter and repeat the process making a circle inside of a circle.

Now mark the cardinal points. You can mark these by sight, by feel, by compass or by ruler. Each cardinal point is marked with your small round dish or candleholder - simply use a marker to trace around the circle. Colors are fun. They now make a variety of colors for permanent markers. I chose to color the space between the outer circle and inner circle different colors.

From South to West is red, from West to North is blue, from North to East is green and from East to South is yellow. You might just like to use the colors in placing your cardinal marks - mine are outlined in black. But a hint here: The weave on the back of the carpet creates some fairly amazing fluctuations with the colors �?especially when candlelight is involved.

You can use these small circles at the cardinal points to place candles or small offerings for the elements. If you choose to color between cardinal marks as I did - this is another place where the friend comes in handy. I went over the areas twice with marker �?making sure that I had personally colored each are myself.

My friend and I told jokes and giggled and basically acted like a couple of eight year olds with a science project as we colored. Also, her cat chased the string around the nail �?I’m sure you can guess which direction he went. All that simple joy (and the presence of the cat) really did affect the circle - positively I might add.

As for herbs or even magickal stones - this is up to you. I was still fairly uneducated about such things when I made my Magick Carpet. I would suggest taking some time to meditate on exactly what you want your circle for and choose the herbs or stones accordingly.

Also consider the use of essential oils. An example I would suggest is using a combination of herbs, stones and oils in the actual making or scribing of the circle to, say, protect the actual finished product itself from discovery. Or to infuse the area with protection.

The one time I used herbs for circle work - I discovered something interesting which I will pass on to here and it’s how the vacuum fits in. A vacuum cleaner can be used as a mini tornado. I wanted to use the element of air to give my spell a send off. What more powerful way to evoke the element of air than a tornado!

The vacuum cleaner worked rather well. As long as you accept that the power goes out into the universe when you turn the vacuum off. Works like a charm. And, obviously, cleans up the mess. So you can even scatter the herbs around a bit.

My Magick Carpet is still fairly simple; I finished my carpet by adding my craft name outside of my Host element. But those of you who are a little more artistic could add drawings or symbols - the sky is the limit.

As for usage, this is a personal circle, an�?it harm none, use it as you will. You may choose to bring in a small altar. I like to think that this little circle is the altar and I am part of it. Or you could stand outside of the circle and work your Magick from there.

Please use caution and be considerate of your surroundings when using fire in ritual settings. I am sure most of us do but this is a good lesson to repeat! Not all materials are flame resistant, least of all the temple that is your body. If you are going to bring a candle into your small circle make sure that being aware of that little flame is part of each step of whatever Ritual or Magick you are working

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