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General : Member of the Month o fL&S of Majyk
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 12/25/2008 7:09 AM
 Predawn Kate (Now is Wynde Ravynne)
Our Special Lady has been with us since May 10, 2006. 
Kate is a wonderful intuitive and a very special woman.  She works with dogs as a breeder , groomer and shows them as well. And as we all know...she truly loves animals.
It always amazes me at the wonderful things Kate shares with everyone in Light & Shadows on the various boards.  She is always checking in with a smile and a positive thought.  Her pictures that accompany her many posts are always breathtaking as she is.  I am honored to have Predawn Lady Kate as a member of our Light & Shadows coven.  She is a true friend and a wonderful person.
Here is her own words!
 "The beautiful part on the earth that I so graciously care for is in Sutton, Vt.  Some of the blessings from the Goddess are my horses which take me on wonderful adventures in the woods, my goats who love to take walks with me, my ducks, chickens and peacocks that just love to peck my legs whenever I try to clean out the coop.  There is also the many dogs some that I have and have shown in the past but are now all just lazy couch potatoes like their mom would love to be, and lastly my gorgeous finches, love bird and cockteil that make every morning a very lovely sounding one.  Yes I love animals, sometimes I am lucky enough to have the eagles, foxes, moose, deers and black bear come trasping across the yard. 
My birth date is Dec 11, 1965, and I am a true Sagatarius, which can sometimes get me a world of trouble.  Beside playing with all my animals, I love to shop, but who doesn't right!  I just taught myself cross stitching so I guess that my favorite hobby right now, I sew, scrap book, paint, play the piano, read oh I just love scarey books and movies.  I love to write poetry and tend to make a poem out of just about everything I do, the dogs seem to like it when we walking and I singing something poetic.  I am married to a wonderful man and have one grown son who is getting married this summer.
My favorite colors are purple, green, and black, but that changes with the weather.  My Patron Goddess is Hekate and my Patron God is Zeus, I love working with my Goddes tarot deck everyday, they seem to give me other ways to look at the day ahead. The stone that I have close to my heart is the moonstone, a gift given to me by a beautiful woman long ago.
I'm not sure if I really collect anything, if I see or touch something that calls to me it will usually come home for  me to care for till it needs to move on.  The most prized piece I have is a stone that was given to me when I attended a Sabbat cermony in Salem,MA a few years ago which sits on my altar. I do have Fae statues in my gardens that probably the only collection I have. 
Ok, there's alittle about me, well maybe more then a little, lol.  I surely did love reading about everyone else and can't wait to get to know you all even more.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 12/25/2008 7:12 AM
Our Special Member of the Month of March is
Luna Wolf Spirit
came to Light & Shadows on  early in April of 2007 and has been a joy ever since.
She was born on  twenty four years ago on September 17. When she was 16 years old she heard the call of the Goddess and started searching the pagan path of Wicca.
She says with pride, "I was 16 when I found this path and have been marveled by it ever since. 
I grew up Catholic and my mother can't understand why I chose this path.  I explain to her my feelings in little snippits because if I explain too much in detail she gets confused. LoL.  I am the only Witch that I know of in my family.  We have my cousin who reads playing cards but that's as far as she goes.
I enjoy nature, reading, writing, I love to camp and fish.  But lately I have been idle on that area. Haha.  The last time I went was last 4th of July. 
At the moment I am studying two different tarot decks.  Alister Crowleys Toth deck and the Faery Oracle.  Both seem to always be lecturing me about something. haha. I can't wait to learn and grow with all of you. "
Luna is always letting everyone know how much she appriciates the teachings and information they post here on Light & Shadows. 
This is the time we can now, Honor our little 5 foot tall Sister as the "Member of the Month" for March.
Congratulations Luna!

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 12/25/2008 7:15 AM
Our Special Member of the Month of April is
Autumn Heather 
She came to Light & Shadows on  early October 18, 2007 and has been a joy ever since.
I was 13 when I got my first job in a library.  For months I poured over all kinds of books.  I decided at one point to start reading the none fiction books, and started in a religion section because it was first in this tiny place.  I remember reading book after book that compared many world religions, and all of them referred to Witchcraft in a fairly negative light.  Each book I put down I got more and more upset about, and I wasn't even sure why.  Most of my life up until that point I'd been going to all kinds of different churches with my father.  He was on a journey himself, trying to figure out what fit him.  I discovered fairly quickly I was on the same journey.  A few months later I discovered a book called The Mists of Avalon, and right there in those pages, I knew what path I was supposed to follow.  For the next 5 years my religious education consisted of what books I could get my hands on in our small town.   When I went to college, I met who I consider to be my first teacher.  There would be a group of us who would get together and talk about whatever came to mind.  One day people started talking about religion and he delighted in telling me I was a witch, as it takes one to know one :)  He introduced me to the first book I officially read on the Craft which was Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler.  To this day whenever anyone asks what books to read, that is the first one I recommend.
After college I was all moved out, and discovering old high school friends who had moved away were interested in the same things as I was.  I still hadn't done anything specific until one day a group of us went to see The Craft, and afterwards talked all night long, and discovered we were ALL interested.  My first circle was with these people, and the feelings that I experienced that night I still remember to this day.
Flash forward to today.  I had been solitary so long, but understood the need for Witches to know there were other Witches around.  I started our little local group, and within probably the first couple of months I met Lady Qyzida!  We all got to know each other over time, and recently I noticed quite a change in her.  More confident, more radiant, she reminded me of that wonderful first time in a circle.   I wanted that!  That is when I joined Light and Shadows, and I am SO glad that I did!!!

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 12/25/2008 7:17 AM
Here is our Special Member of the Month for AUGUST!
our May Queen...
"Mystic Kitten!!
She Joined Light & Shadows on January 29th, 2005 and has been a wonderful help with L&S.  She has created and promoted the Coven Cookbook as well as faithfully facilitated the Kitchen Witch areas of our group for many years.
Thank you, Kitten!!
Now here is a little about her in her own words!

Blessings everyone,

I started off learning a little of Wicca from my mother, Lady Sylvar & my Aunt, Lady Majyk. I guess its inbred.

 I’ve been reading about the green witch. I feel more tied to a kitchen witch and more Celtic path. Though I love reading an learning from others about other paths. I know I don’t know everything, but when I start to learn something I hope to learn all about it an explore more about it and dig deeper. I try to share what I learn to others that care to listen or read in either place. I am into herbs, guess that would be the reason I’m learning to be a herbalist. I enjoy cooking, gardening (what little I have, I plan for more), I love reading and playing online. I love making my own bath salts that of which I give to my mom and grandma since I don’t have a bathtub...only a shower..

I make lotions and I’ve tried out a lip gloss and need to revise the recipe a little cause I didn’t like the way it turned out. I’m going to try out a little of a few other recipes I’ve come across in one of my new books an shall see how that is. I try hard to be on L&S, I love being on there an finding new things.

I’ve met so many new and enjoyable family members on L&S. Luna, Liz, Autumn Heather, Predawn Lady Kate, Sandria, Of course Lady Majyk, Madame Mousey, Lady Sylvar (I’ve known them my whole life), Lady Q and her daughters when they came to the retreat last year. I look forward to getting to know all the new members to come.

 I’ve been off center since December, when I had a seizure an being told I have a tumor. At the end of January, they say I had a stroke when I gave birth to my daughter, thus I have a blood clot in my head�?than it gets even better…�?after being put on blood thinner, I get another blood clot in my right arm. Moving on�?

I’ve a husband, Ken, three babies�? One My Sara Ann, than Isis & Thor. Yes one human an the other are cats! LOL.

I work for a living at Wal-mart as a slave, just kidding. I work in the fabrics an find so many that I want to get, now that we have a new mod coming in�?so many pretty fabrics.

I want to learn a little quilting. I’ve gotten into making pants for Sara Ann she goes through them like crazy. She’s a weed an grows an grows. Ken isn’t quiet into Wicca but he asks questions and is great about everything even his family. They ask about it and I enjoy talking about it to them when they ask. They don’t judge like a few of my family does. They are like a breath of fresh air.

I’ve studied many forms of Wicca an relate to several but like I said before I’m more of the house hold Kitchen Witch. I’ve tried fitting in, but found that doing my own thing an just hopping for the best is always the way to go. I may have come along way with my health an all but all I have to say is that I hope that we all continue on the path we are going an stay together.

I love being apart of L&S though I miss a lot of the rituals and meetings due to work, I am always here in spirit if not in body. I love you all!

Love an Light,

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