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Sabbat Essays : Samhain 2007
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  in response to Message 5Sent: 11/20/2007 4:05 AM

Samhain Essay for November 5, 2007

by Jasmyne Snow

Candles lit in windows, feasts, and bon-fires; all things associated with this night when the veil is thin and we celebrate our loved ones that have passed. This is the New Year, and the coming of winter. On this blessed night we call upon the Dark Goddess: Hecate, Lilith, Morrighan, and the Lord of the Underworld: Hades, Anubus, Dagda. This is the time of the year when the Lord passes through the veil into the Underworld to rule Summerland. In his Sage aspect he gathers us into his arms and teaches us of patience and inner reflection. While the Lord is away our dear Crone grieves for her beloved, but she gathers us close to a warm fire to keep the coming chill at bay while she tells us of times past and teaches us lessons for the future. Colors used at this time are black for death and rebirth, orange, red, brown, and golden yellow for the harvest, silver for the moon, and white for the snow of the coming winter. Now, we use mugwort to enhance our dreams and visions, catnip and mandrake as a mild sedative, sage to cleanse for the death and eminent rebirth, and deadly nightshade to summon the dead.

Generally celebrated on October 31st, Samhain is the Celtic New Year. Tonight, the Goddess Morrighan ensures the continuation of life, through the winter and beyond, by celebrating her ritual with the Dagda. Being one of the two nights when the veil is the thinnest (the other being Beltane), this is a night to honor your ancestors and celebrate the dead. Candles were lit and left in windows to help guide ancestors home, turnips and gourds were hollowed out and carved into fierce faces to protect the home, apples were buried along the road for wandering spirits, and extra chairs and plates were set for unseen guests. This is a wonderful night for the Fae, for they love to pull pranks on unsuspecting humans. Because of this, people began dressing in different guises in an attempt to fool the mischievous spirits and little folk. This is also the time to reflect upon things we no longer want in our lives and things we want to bring into our lives, and then create that change.

While I was preparing for the ritual, I could feel the spirits of loved ones in the house. I could feel, most prominently, my great-grandparents and my boyfriend’s uncle Bob, but I could feel others as well. I could also feel the faeries flying around, laughing and dancing and plotting. While I was gathering everything and setting up my alter I felt a sense of peace. I was one of my better experiences while preparing for ritual.

During the opening meditation, I came in a little late but passing through the veil was a little disconcerning but a good experience nonetheless. It was so great to see my Great Grandparents again; they are always such a comfort to me. The ritual itself was intense. When we gave over our worries, old habits, negative ways and energies, and anything else we no longer need in our lives, I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulders. It was wonderful. I could feel the Goddess taking it all away and helping me fill the void with her love and compassion. I almost felt like a completely new person.

After the ritual, I felt compelled to meditate. In my meditation I was guided by Snake, Eagle, and Bear through a cleansing before meeting with the White Buffalo and my patron God, Kokopelli, and Goddess, Morrighan. Kokopelli, in his own quirky way, gave me some advice and Morrighan took me to her favorite place to speak with me. She told me not to worry about things because she would, indeed, take all that I asked away from me and remind me to fill the void with positive energy. She also told me that I need to stop trying so hard to make things happen because it will all be provided when the time is right - and not before. Just as I was about to bring myself back I felt the wonderful feeling of oneness and saw my Great Grandparents and my boyfriends Uncle Bob. They spoke with me for a moment and gave me a message for the families. It was truly an everlasting experience.

Since then, I have been actively banishing the negative energy and bad habits that I gave over to the Goddess and replacing it with good, positive energy. I found I have been more helpful and less resentful and negative towards certain people and situations and I have been getting more done. I have also been a lot less stressed out about things because I trust in the Lord and Lady to help me find a way to meet my needs. I have also been connecting with my ancestors more and more. Because of all of this I feel like a new person and feel so much better about myself.


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     re: Samhain 2007   MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  11/20/2007 4:59 AM