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Second Degree : Suggested thoughts for 2nd degree enterence
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 2/16/2008 10:26 PM

Second Degree


After attaining the First Degree, students have the option, but are not required, to pursue their Second Degree.  Whereas the First Degree studies teaches the student their Craft, the Second Degree studies will teach the student about themselves.  It is possibly the most difficult degree to attain if done with open honesty with oneself.  All students that have attained first degree studies are referred to as Initiates and are considered to be Priests and Priestesses. 

Procedure for entering Second Degree studies

Expectations of Initiates

Requirements for completion of Second Degree Studies


Procedure for Entering Second Degree Studies

1. A student who has achieved First Degree status and wants to continue their studies must let the Initiates Council know at an Initiates Council meeting.

2. The Initiates Council will vote to accept or decline the student.  No one should be turned down for additional teaching unless they live a life not in line with the Wiccan Rede or are in a personal situation that needs to be resolved before they can devote their mind and spirit to entering studies.  If a student is declined, they will be given a reason why and steps that can be taken to be accepted.

3.  Once accepted, the student will be assigned a new teacher that has attained Second Degree or above. This teacher shall supervise the students training towards Initiation into the Second Degree.  It will be up to the student to schedule regular meetings with their teacher.  These meetings must occur at least once a quarter for the Initiate to retain their student status.



Additional Expectations of Initiates

1. Initiates of Willow Circle Coven shall be responsible for conducting the business of the coven as follows:

  • Initiates are encouraged to attend Initiates Council.
  • Initiates shall teach the methods, traditions, and customs of Natural Faith Wicca to their students within the coven.
  • Initiates are expected to regularly contribute to the teaching lore of the tradition.


Second Degree Requirements

1. Successfully complete the requirements for, and receive initiation into the First Degree within the Natural Faith Wicca Tradition.

2. Read a coven leadership book, and at least two other books as approved by your teacher and discuss them with your fellow coveners.

3. If available, take a student and guide them through First Degree studies.

4. Establish a working relationship with at least one aspect of the Goddess and one aspect of the God.

5. Learn to take responsibility for your emotions and how you express and transform them.

6. Learn to evaluate, cleanse, energize, and heal your chakras and energy body.

7. Begin to study a healing technique of your choice. (Herbcraft, massage, Reiki, etc.)

8. Confront and heal at least one of your “dark side�?issues related to your pain, anger, hatred, or other negative emotions.

9. Learn more extensive counseling skills. Use them with positive results with a member of your Coven or Pagan community.

10. Teach at least three different Craft related subjects with positive evaluations from your students.

11. Demonstrate basic knowledge of advanced spell types such as inscribing, charms and talismans, and bottles of warding and protection.

12. Assist with at least two rites of passage. (House blessings, as well as personal rites)

13. Design and lead a Full Moon, New Moon, and Sabbat Celebration of your teachers choice.  This ritual, unlike your First Degree ritual, will be of a tradition, theme, or general type that challenges you.

14. Organize an important event or project for your coven motivating and leading others to complete it.

15. Be able to demonstrate advanced energy manipulation skills such as, aligning, molding, and directing natural energy.

16. Fire a cone of power at a group ritual.

17. Participate in at least 75% of required classes, rituals, and other coven activities.

18. In an interview with the Initiates Council, satisfy the coven that you have met all of the requirements above.

19. Receive the endorsement of the High Priestess and High Priest.

20. Be willing to take the required oaths.

21. Earn the unanimous agreement of your coven that you live according to the Wiccan Rede, that your participation brings the coven closer to perfect love and perfect trust, that your life in general honors the Lord and Lady and exemplifies the ideals of Wicca.