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Second Degree : Lesson # 2 - Exploring your Shadow Self
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  in response to Message 1Sent: 12/2/2008 8:57 PM


Before you begin the imagery that follows, it's important to remember that everyone does not see pictures when doing this work; inner seeing can seem more like thoughts, symbols, or spontaneously arising feeling-states. All of your senses, not just your inner eyes, are used for inner work. You may get a whole mental flash all at once concerning the meaning of a pattern or issues; a shiver may run up your spine; or your heart may fill with the feeling of sorrow, joy, or forgiveness. Some people might smell aromas or hear voices not existing in this reality. Just let come whatever wants to come, with no judgement or investment in the outcome. This process can profoundly affect your psyche.

Many people think they are imaging fairly superficially at first, only to realize later that these images, symbols, and thoughts were inspired, though sometimes subtle. In practicing the imagery work that follows, you'll discover that your inner Self has a way of giving you the kinds of images and insights you will be able to recognize. The meanings you attribute to these inner experiences are yours and only yours. Universal meanings learned from books or other people's interpretations are often beside the point (and can even get in your way). Learn to trust your own interpretations. And if some outside source aids your own findings, that's good. If it doesn't, just ignore it. When you are willing to experiment with imageries, these "gifts of the spirit" will teach you without much effort on your part and greatly enhance your healing process.

Suggestions for Processing Your Imagery:

Take time after every imagery to ponder it. Try not to immediately begin another activity. Stay with it for awhile if something important was brought to light. When the imagery has subsided, jot down notes about what transpired - a picture, symbol, poem, thought. You might want to keep a spiritual journal. If you don't want to write you might want to engage in some kind of spontaneous ritual or movement. You might choose a physical object as a concrete symbol of the insight you gained. (Ancient Egyptians called these objects amulets, Native American's called them fetishes). Imagery work is like dreamwork, it disappears rapidly if you don't concretize it in some way.

Trust your inner experience. Try not to move too quickly into an analyzing mode after such an experience. Let your intuitive, more right-brained self remain in charge for awhile. Later, however, you will want to process the imagery more fully, with intellectual insight and integration. Insights might continue to arise while actively involving in your daily life. Try and take time to write or record your insights.

Now, if you feel you had no experience at all or that you were just intellectually making it all up, just let all it all be for now. Remember that any kind of "making up" is still coming from within your own mind, so it does have meaning and purpose for you, no matter how much you want to dismiss it. Anything that occurred is part of your process, even if you feel you didn't do it right. There is no such thing as failure in psycho-spiritual work. It is all "grist for the mill." Don't try to manipulate the experience in any way; just be with it as it was. If you experienced resistance, your processing would benefit from gaining insight into the nature of your resistance. Whether you realize it or not, you are exactly where you need to be in your process of awakening.

Now, lets imagine our shadow for a while.  This exercise will invite your shadow to expose itself to you, which is a crucial step in the healing process.  Take some time now to consciously enter into a quiet space within your heart; the healing of your shadow self is a very sacred moment in time.


Close your eyes, and begin to tune out the outside world…Allow your body to settle down…and release the tensions of the day. You can use your breath to gently enter into your body, letting go of any tightness, or discomfort you may be feeling…Softening the body…Letting go…Remember, you have a body but you are not your body only. Feel yourself surrendering to your inner Self and allow your consciousness to just float around through the inner experience that follows.

Take some time now to check out your emotions. See if any re rocking around in your body anywhere. If so, just breathe your breath into these emotions until they begin to quiet…Becoming still like a lake with no ripples…Allow your emotions to settle down…A lake with no ripples can perfectly reflect the sky, just as quietened emotions can perfectly reflect your truth…Take a few balanced breaths and feel your emotions beginning to release you, becoming open and receptive to whatever spirit wants to bring forth during this experience…And remember, you have emotions, but you are not your emotions…your emotions come and go.

Now, take a little time to clear your mind…See if you have any ideas or expectations floating around in your brain…If so, feel them beginning to release, leaving your mind free and clear as a beautiful blue and cloudless sky�?Feel yourself leaving this concrete reality for awhile, as though you are drifting into space…Just relax…and feel yourself deepening…a little more…and a little more�?longer pause)

Now, from a deep place within your mind, envision yourself dressed as you are today sitting by yourself on a sofa in an empty room. You are quietly reflectin back over your life…all those experiences, some of them painful, that you've been through…Just allow some of these events to surface s you sit here alone on the sofa�?/FONT>

The times you were terrified…lost…or alone…Or times when you've lost someone dear through separation, or death…Just let yourself be with these memories�?longer pause)

Now, reflect on that part of you who just couldn't handle some of these situations–who had to go underground and be private about how you felt…Take some time to reflect on the whole quality of your childhood�?longer pause).

As you sit in deep reflection, you look across the room and notice a trapdoor in the floor that you'd not seen before. It is closed. Note what the door looks like…As you look into it, you begin to hear something stirring underneath the door…And you get up and walk toward the door…Notice what you are feeling…As you go forward, you decide to put on a violet cloak that is hanging on a hook, and to light a candle to take with you…These are gifts from your Higher Self…Take some time now to put on the cloak, and to light the candle…Stay very close to your feelings as you do this �?(longer pause).

Now, open the trap door and peer in �?Notice what happens �?and allow the imagery to unfold �?(longer pause).

(Note: As the door is opening, yo might put on, or have someone else put on, some music without words that swells with a heartfelt melody. This enhances the experience, but is not essential.)

Now, see your shadow as plainly as you can �?(longer pause). And remember, you are in charge of this experience: you can bring your shadow up into the room, or you can go down into the cellar where it lives �?If you are willing, encourage your shadow to reveal itself more fully �?(longer pause). See how it's shaped �?or dressed �?it's stance �?or attitude �?(longer pause). Now, call it by name!

Have your shadow speak to you if it will, and tell you what it needs �?Attend now to what it says or shows you �?(longer pause). See if a dialogue begins between you and it; just allow this to unfold spontaneously. Perhaps you need to say something to your shadow �?Allow the two of you to relate �?and stay very close to your feelings as the images appear �?(Take plenty of time here.)

Gradually, now, the images begin to fade in a mellow whitish-grey light �?Allow the scene to fade �?and as the shadow is dissipating, love it as much as you can! Feel this love in your heart–as much as you can muster �?(longer pause) �?and thank your shadow graciously for whatever it did or didn't do with you just now �?for just being who it is �?Tell your shadow goodbye �?(longer pause).

Take some time now to appreciate your shadow self �?as much as you possibly can �?as you begin removing your violet cloak, taking some time to put the cloak away and blow out the candle, putting it back where you found it �?(longer pause). Now, you are back on the sofa in the empty room, dressed as your current self, alone once more �?Just remain in quiet reflection for awhile �?(longer pause).

Now, slowly allow your mind to settle back into this reality, and once again become aware of your surroundings �?Take your time coming back here �?Now feel yourself fully back in your body. (Here, the guide's voice becomes stronger, more directive.) Feel your body touching your seat. Still retaining all that happened on the inner plane, feel yourself being back here fully. Make this feeling real �?/FONT>

You might want to move around just a little, so you will be in touch with your body as it awakens from this experience.