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Shielding Class : Lesson # 27
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/20/2005 10:34 PM

Lesson 27: Over shielding

By now, after having gone through all of these lessons, you will have noticed some strange symptoms while trying different shields.

Some of the more common are:

  • Feeling no emotions
  • Feeling as if a great weight is pressing on you
  • Lessening of your gifts
  • Your gifts disappearing
  • Little or no contact with your guides
  • Decrease in energy
  • Feelings of dread

What can be a cause for these symptoms? Over shielding.

Now you are probably wondering why we waiting so late in the lesson series to bring up this very important information. Very simply put, so you would have plenty of experience learning what it feels like and so you can learn to avoid it.

If we had discussed over shielding in the beginning, the minute you felt anything off kilter, you would have automatically taken the steps to avoid it, and then you would not have given the shields a fair chance. So, waiting until the lessons are almost over, you would not have received the same learning experience.

So that being said, when you do over shield, what can you do about it? Do you abandon that type of shield completely and try a different one? Do you adjust the shield? Do you give up shielding? We will discuss these and more as you read along.

Do you abandon that type of shield and move to another one if you are over shielded? No. Not unless you just don’t care for that kind of shield to begin with. If you do like the shield, all you have to do is adjust it and make the shield so it sits comfortably on you.

Do you give up shielding? Only if you do not want to be protected, and if you are taking this class, the odds are that you don’t want to be protected are slim to none.

Do you adjust it? If so, how? If you have already ruled out the previous questions, then yes. You adjust it and how you do it is what we will discuss next. First, it is important to remember that when you adjust your shield, until you find the right balance, you can still run into over shielding, or the other extreme of under shielding. Do not get frustrated if it seems to take a while to find the right balance, each person is different, and each person needs a different level of shield.

It would make things too easy for us if everyone wore the same shield! But at the same time, it would also make it easy for the lower energies, the parasites, to figure out how to breech our shields if everyone wore the same shield at the same level. In the case of psychic self-defense, predictability is not an asset.

So take things one step at a time, don’t get frustrated, and be willing to continually experiment. Shielding is not easy, nor is it a perfect art, and odds are, once you are comfortable with shielding, (and with the aid of what you have learned here), you will be able to begin making your own custom shields. Which means that you will, from the moment of lesson one, you will be experimenting with different shielding for a very long time.

As your gifts grow and change, so will your shield needs.

Now that that specific advice is said and out of the way, let’s move on to how to adjust the shield.

Adjusting your shield:

Adjusting the shield is pretty simple, and once you get the hang of it, it takes a matter of seconds and a passing thought. But to start out, it will take more concentration and time. There are several ways to do it, you can go by what is in Lesson 6: Thickening and Thinning Shields, you can do what is described below, or if you have found a different technique, you can do that.

What you do is concentrate on your shield, think about it. If you are a more visual person, picture the shield in your mind. If you are a feeling person, concentrate on the feel of your shield.

When you have your shield locked into your senses, feel, see or think about your shields getting thinner (or in the case of undershielding, make it thicker).

If you need a different way to know the shield is adjusted, affirm it to yourself by saying something like “My shield is adjusted thinner (or thicker), easing the over shielding and easing the symptoms.�?You can also write or draw it.

If you want to draw it, draw a figure with a very thick shield around it (do this by repeatedly drawing a oval in the same area around the figure). Then draw a figure with a thinner shield around it (make only one or a few ovals in the same spot) and then draw a line through the first drawing. If you need to make it thicker and you want to draw it, reverse this order. Keeping in mind what you are doing the whole time.

You will be able to feel the difference in your shield once you  have made it thinner. There will be a noticeable energy shift around you, and the symptoms of over shielding will either lessen or disappear all together.

Sometimes it will take a bit after adjusting the shield to notice the change of the symptoms, but just because it is not immediate, does not mean that it did not happen. Keep in mind that thought equals action, so if you know the shield changed, (especially if you can see or feel it) then you will know that it did. But if you doubt the shield changed, then odds are, you will reverse the change and can also make it worse.

[Cherry] When I first began shielding, It was also the same time that I learned about psy vamps (psychic vampires). I was in the middle of being drained by one, and I was advised and guided through putting up a simple bubble shield.

If I remember correctly, what I was told was “You are being attacked by a psy vamp. (which of course caused panic because I knew nothing about them as well). You need to shield yourself. See a bubble in front of you, let it grow until it is big enough to hold you and step into it and seal it behind you.�?

That was it. That was the context of my instruction into shielding. I was not told the effects of shielding. I was not told how to adjust it. I was basically thrown into a sink or swim situation.

Because The person telling me about shielding did not instructed me on how to adjust the shield, nor told to put a buffer space between the shield and me, my shield was flat against my body and was very weak. It was just as bad as if I didn’t have a shield at all. I could feel everything still and the psy vamp was still having a feast of my energy.

So what did I do? I panicked even more. I actually began building and stepping into bubble after bubble after bubble. Good thing I really my not full of hot air or I would have floated out of the atmosphere in those bubbles!

By the time I had finished, I probably had about fifteen bubbles around me, and none of them had a buffer zone between the others. Did it stop the attack? Not really...I could still feel the psy vamp pushing at me. The energy drain wasn’t there, but the continual pushing at my shields made me feel psychically sick. And I couldn’t feel any of my gifts. I couldn’t do anything. I had over shielded myself, and adding over shielding to bad shielding, it was a very unpleasant situation. That is when I vowed to learn what I could with shielding.

When this happened, I had been walking my path only about three months, I didn’t know anything at all, and I did not have contact with any of my guides, so I couldn’t seek assistance from that route. This was approximately May of 2002.            

[lunawaya] I grew up being taught to let psychic vampires and other negative energies feed off of me. So, Imagine the surprise when I finally got a clue and learned that this should not be! Yes, I had to deal with the difficulties being adolescent and being labeled negatively and this did not decrease.

I began to shield, only because I knew of it intuitively. I did not have any guidance or any help via books or other sources. So, I blocked everything out.

This included everyone as well. I did not want to face the world or have anything to do with it. In effect, I over-shielded and relished in the numbness.

This seems ideal, but, to go from a high-sensitive state to nothing, I suppressed many things and the cost was too dear because now I am having to correct a lot of those things and am suffering from many health problems due to it. Yes, sometimes I wish I could go back to that senseless state but that is not real nor should it be the way to live. Just like when an arm or leg or foot goes numb, and there is that ‘hurting tingling�?feeling, so am I as I return to Life. I would rather ‘feel�?than not ‘feel�?

The above stories are excellent reasons why discussing over shielding was held off until now. In some ways, it is better to be over shielded than it is to have bad shielding. Prolonged over shielding is not healthy if it is extreme because it can cause energy blocks, but while over shielding is very uncomfortable, it takes a very extreme and very prolonged exposure to over shielding for it to begin to form the energy blocks.


  1. What is the cause of over shielding?
  2. What are some of the symptoms of over shielding?
  3. While learning to shield, did you experience any of these symptoms?
  4. Were there other symptoms you had that you think might have been a result of over shielding? If yes, what were they?
  5. What are the ways you can reduce the over shielding?
  6. With over shielding, can you sustain damage? If so, describe what can happen in detail.
  7. Why did we leave over shielding so late in the lessons to discuss?
  8. Do you agree with the idea of leaving the discussion of shielding so late in the lesson? Why or why not?

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