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Shielding Class : Lesson # 12
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From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/20/2005 11:09 PM
Lesson 12: Net Shield
By now, you have learned two main types of shields and a few variations of those shields. Today we will learn another; the Net Shield. This shield is an energy shield as well, and just like its name suggests, it looks like a woven net.
The purpose behind this specific shield is to “catch�?the impurities and those that as seeking to contact your physical body. Think of a fishing net, or a butterfly net. The net catches the fish and butterfly despite the holes, and the holes themselves are a part of the design, to eliminate the “drag�?to let the energy flow (water and air according to our examples).
There are two main ways to create this net, one you can picture yourself weaving it and casting it around yourself and the other is to see the net already made in your hands. For purpose of this lesson to familiarize yourself with the process and give you more of a connection with the shield, we will “weave�?it ourselves.
Net Shield
Enter your meditative state. By now, you should be able to enter it a bit more quickly than before. However, if it doesn’tdon’t worry, it will come in time.
When you are in your meditative state, picture yourself, you are standing (or sitting (it matters not which way you see yourself).
From the universe, two threads of light falls toward you. They are thin and dainty, yet stronger than anything you have ever encountered.
As these beams of light fall to you, grab the ends. One in each hand and begin to knot them together. Even if you do not know how to weave, your subconscious mind knows, let it weave the net without your trying to direct it. It may happen so you see each detail being weaved, or it may be weaved in a blink of the eye and you do not see the detail.
This energy must be weaved into a net big enough to encase your entire body.
When it is weaved, see it folded in your hands. Look down at it and tell it something to the effect of “This net I wove will protect me from all that is harmful or that will overwhelm me.�?This is programming the net to its purpose. We will go further into programming the shields later.
Now grab hold of one of the ends of the net and let the rest tumble to the ground. Fling the net over and around your body, picturing the net not actually touching your body but floating a few inches above it. As it settles over your head and around your shoulders, falling to the front and the back as well, see the net gather beneath your feet and seal, creating a whole unit with no seams.
You are now fully shielded.
As I said, this net will allow the energy flow to go in and out, but it will catch anything that you do not want.
~You can do variations to this shield, both for creating the net shieldand for how it looks. The variation for creating the shield is instead of seeing yourself weaving the shield, you can picture it fully weaved and already residing in your hands. It will be just as strong and as protective, but it is a short cut for quick shielding. Personally, when doing this one I love to create it by the weaving as it gives me a better connection to the shield.

~The variation for how it looks is instead of seeing it as a net; you can picture it as a spider web. With the spider web, you can picture a spider circling your body, weaving this web, you can weave it yourself, or you can see the web in place, or even walk into a web and surround your body with it.

~You can also see the web as more of a cocoon type of spider web, the type where the spider wraps his preybut not as confining.

~You can also picture the web as a butterfly’s cocoon. The technique for creating all of these different variations can be the same as the one that I stated for the net shield. If you feel comfortable, you can try a different way to create the shield, your way.
This is a very versatile shield on how you wish to make it look. The key point is to know in your mind that the energy flow is free and unrestricted except for those energies or beings that wish to touch you that you don’t want. You have perfect control over what you want to touch you.
The trick with this shield is to keep it clean. At first, it is a conscious effort, but after practice and using the shield for a while, you will be able to keep it clean without having to think about it. Just like real spider webs and nets, you will find little “parasites�?that will be caught in the weavings. These parasites are the negative and harmful energies and “fingerprints�?of the attempted touching by entities. You may see them as black splotches (fingerprints), or as little critters struggling in the weaving. To clean them off, brush them away. Picture a brush in your hands and sweep it over the shield, seeing the critters fall off and erasing the splotches. Brush off the shield until it is clean and bright again. You may need to repair your net or web as these little parasites will have disturbed and displaced the weaving.
To repair the net or web or cocoon, patch it as you would a hole in a sock; re-knit the area(s) that was disturbed. If you do not want to knit it together, wave your hand over the damaged areas and know the weave is repaired. When your hand moves away, the weave should be whole and perfect.

The first time I did this shield, I pictured it more as a spider web type of shield. By the end of the day, parasites completely covered the web. I see them, and still do see them, as little insects struggling. Instead of killing these insects, I released them, but not in their original form. When I released them, I transform them into good energies for the universe to put to work as it saw fit.
One of the important things to remember about shielding, is you have 100% control over what touches you and what you send back out. This should always be the top thing to remember.
Try this shield for about a week, play with the thickness until you are blocking what you are seeking to block. Take the shield on and off and practice increasing your time of putting the shield on. After about a week of playing with it, come back, post your results here to this topic thread, and ask any questions that might arise. We are all here to learn from one another and the more we share our experiences with each shield, the more we can have ideas of what to do with our own shields.

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