Alleviate discomfort when plucking your eyebrows by smoothing baby teething gel over the area to numb the pain |
Always wear a button up shirt when you go to the hairdresser to avoid messing your new hair up if you have to go out. Take a magazine to show what hair you'd like to achieve. |
Avoid razor burn after shaving your legs by moisturising beforehand. While shaving cream is the most popular method, try prepping your leg with hair conditioner for a few minutes before shaving. It will hold moisture on the leg longer and provide a very smooth shave. |
Beautiful lips. When you brush your teeth before going to bed, brush your lips as well and then apply lip blam. The brushing removes dead and dry skin, and the moisture keeps them feeling and looking soft. |
Brittle & flaking fingernails - mix 2 level teaspoons of gelatine into 1/2 glass of fruit juice or cold water. Drink at once and repeat daily for at least 6 weeks. You should see a dramatic improvement in your nails after about 2 months. |
Brittle nails - massage cod liver oil which is rich in vitamin A, into cuticles and nails. After three months, nails will be stronger and cuticles smoother
Carry a water bottle with you at all times. Water flushes toxins in the body as well as filling you up. |
Coffee to treat cellulite - rub roughly ground coffee into areas of cellulite. Caffeine is the main ingredient in many expensive cellulite creams |
For a cheap home made eyecream apply unscented castor oil around your eyes before you go to bed. Many plastic surgeons use this on their patients after surgery. |
For an instant face lift, beat an egg white and apply it to your skin. Leave on for about 10 minutes and rinse off. Your skin will be tighter and appear firmer. |
For puffy eyes, soak two tea bags then place them in the freezer for a few minutes, place on eyes & lay back & relax! Or, grate a raw potato, mold it into a mushy pack, and put it on your eyes and lids for 10-20 minutes. The potato starch will help smooth eye-area skin and ease away puffyness. |
Get more life out of your mascara - as it gets older and starts to dry up, soak in a mug of hot water before use .. |
Get rid of onion & garlic breath by chewing some fresh parsley with vinegar on it. |
Green hair day? Remove the green tinge from your hair as a result of swimimng in chlorinated water by washing your hair in 5 asprin tablets dissolved in a third cup of shampoo. |
Home hair dyeing - when dyeing your own hair, smear your hairline, ears and neck with petroleum jelly to prevent staining of your skin. |
Home made facial scrub. Add a few drops of olive oil to a small pack of raw sugar for an effective exfoliator. |
If you're going clothes shopping, consider your underwear suits what you are looking to buy & wear clothes that are easy to get in & out of. |
If you're lacking fashion accessories use strands of colour ribbon in your hair to dance up your outfit. |
Keep your blonde hair from turning green after swimming in a chloride pool! Just wash your hair with shampoo, then take a tomato and squeeze the juice out and apply to your hair. Then rinse well. You can also use V8 juice. The red tones and natural acids in the juice neutralise any green-ness as well as leaving your hair soft & glossy. |
Make-do hair spray. Getting ready for a big night out and realise you're out of hair spray? Try dissolving a tablespoon of sugar in a glass of hot water, wait till it cools and then put into a spray bottle. It's effective and environmentally friendly too! |
Minimise redness of spots on your face by soaking a piece of cotton wool in eye drops and holding on spot for 20 seconds. |
Nail polish will last longer if you keep it in the fridge. |
Nicotine stains on fingers can be removed by rubbing with nail polish remover. |
Relax your eyes at regular intervals when reading or using a computer by taking regular 5 minute breaks or focusing at a distance of 5 metres away. |
Revitalising eye gel - keep your eye gel in the fridge to really soothe tired eyes or cool you down on a hot day. |
Sharp lipline and eyeline. Put your eyeliner or lipliner pencil in the freezer briefly before sharpening to get a fine point. |
Sloppy Nail polish fix up. If you have been a bit sloppy applying your nail polish, wait till it's dry then soak your hands in warm water, you'll be able to rub the excess polish of your fingers with a finger. |
Swolen hands - if you have a ring stuck on your finger due to your fingers swelling soak your hand in ice water till the ring slips off. |
Take the generic brand on prescriptions, they often come from the same company and are exactly the same as the full priced version. |
To add shine to brunette or red hair, after shampooing rinse with fresh brewed black coffee which you have cooled, followed by cold water. |
To relieve lower back pain sleep with a pillow under your knees to take the pressure off your lower back and have a good nights sleep. |
Try using some cold cucumber slices on your eyes at the end of the night to relieve tired eyes. An oldie and a goodie. |
When starting a new fitness regime, don't over comit yourself as you will soon lose interest, start with a little activity and increase as your fitness level does. |
Whiten your fingernail tips by soaking your nails in lemon juice. |