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Verses : Definitions For Parents.
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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: NineMSN NicknameJustmegreatnanrobinson  (Original Message)Sent: 21/07/2007 6:29 AM


AMNESIA: condition that enables a woman who has gone through  
labor to have sex again.  

DUMBWAITER: One who asks if the kids would care to order  

FAMILY PLANNING: The art of spacing your children the proper  
distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster.  

FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when the baby doesn't  
appreciate the strained carrots.  

FULL NAME: What you call you child when you're mad at him.  

GRANDPARENTS: The people who think your children are wonderful  
even though they're sure you're not raising them right.  

HEARSAY: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.  

IMPREGNABLE: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.  

INDEPENDENT: How we want our children to be as long as they&np; 
do everything we say.  

OW: The first word spoken by children with older siblings.  

PRENATAL: When your life was still somewhat your own.  

PUDDLE: A small body of water that draws other small bodies   wearing dry shoes into it.  

SHOW OFF: A child who is more talented than yours.  

STERILIZE: What you do to your first baby's pacifier by   boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on  

TOP BUNK: Where you should never put a child wearing Super-   man jammies.  

TWO-MINUTE WARNING: When the baby's face turns red and she    begins to make those familiar grunting noises.  

VERBAL: Able to whine in words.  

WHODUNIT: None of the kids that live in your house.
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