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All Message Boards : 10 Things You Don't Know about Baked Beans.
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From: NineMSN NicknameJustmegreatnanrobinson  (Original Message)Sent: 11/09/2008 7:01 AM
10 things you did not know about baked beans
By Karen Inge
They're a staple quick meal in many houses, but just how nutritious are they for you and your family?

* 1. Baked Beans count as a vegetable serve. A cup of baked beans is equal to more than 1.5 serves of vegetables
* 2. Baked beans contain energy giving, low glycaemic index carbohydrates
* 3. A cup of baked beans is a great source of protein with more than 10 grams of protein equal to 50 gram steak or 11/2 eggs
* 4. The fibre in a cup of baked beans is 12 grams equal to more than 8 large sandwich slices multigrain bread, or 11/4 cups toasted muesli or 4 medium unpeeled green apples
* 5. Baked Beans are international. Versions of baked beans are found in many countries from France home of the cassoulet through to the USA with Boston (Navy) Baked Beans.
* 6. A cup of baked beans is about 900 kilojoules or just less than 10% daily intake energy requirement for the average person.
* 7. Baked beans are low in fat (less than 1%) with less than 2 grams of fat per cup. They are super low in saturated fats and as a vegetable contain no cholesterol.
* 8. Most baked beans are also an excellent source of tomato containing the antioxidant lycopene
* 9. Baked beans contain folate a vitamin essential to release the energy in our food. One cup of Baked Beans provides more than 25% of the daily requirement (RDI 400 micrograms/day adults and teenagers))
* 10. We do not have digestive enzymes for all carbohydrates including raffinose found in dried beans and legumes. Gut micro-flora break down this carbohydrate and a byproduct is gas. Raffinose can be reduced in beans that are soaked first and the water discarded.

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