Hi Guys,
Sorry I am rather late giving you all an update.
Thanks Silk, yes I do know how it is - not enough hours in the day to do what has to be done & it also seems to take longer to do.
Most of you will have heard by now that there is no heart blockages - hooray!!! The heart specialist wants me to see a Lung Specialist - I am not sure how long it will take to get an apointment - will let you know.
We never managed to get out for Jim's birthday till the Friday - because of my reaction to the tests.
We had the usual bbq at the weekend.
Then last weekend on the Saturday was Mandy and Paris's birthday party and on the Sunday Mahommad & co put up the frame to the pagola.
This Sunday is Ian's 13th birthday celebrations and the following Sunday they will be putting the roof on the pegola.
I hope Bruce had a lovely birthday last Sunday- I am so sorry that I forgot to post a message but will probably see you at Ian's do.
As you can see we have been somewhat busy.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Love Lesley