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 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: NineMSN NicknameNeecey0  in response to Message 3Sent: 22/01/2008 9:53 AM
Hi everyone, okay this has been my first day and it was a bit hard as I went out to lunch. I tried to be good and ordered a small meal with a salad, so not too bad. Here are some tips for measuring, measure these areas: waist, hips, thighs, upper arm and chest. Always measure in the same area and on the same side e.g same arm and measure at least every two weeks (sometimes you might not lose weight because you have gained muscle mass, so measuring once every two weeks gives a better overall picture). Try and weigh only once a week on every Sunday (don't weigh more than that because weight fluctuates constantly).

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     re: Recipe.   NineMSN NicknameNeecey0  22/01/2008 10:05 AM

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