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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: NineMSN NicknameJustmegreatnanrobinson  (Original Message)Sent: 22/01/2008 3:41 AM
A dog walks into a butcher shop with a purse strapped around his
He walks up to the meat case and calmly sits there until it's
his turn to be waited on.
A man, who was already in the butcher shop, finished his purchase
and noticed the dog.
The butcher leaned over the counter and asked the dog what it
wanted today.
The dog put its paw on the glass case in front of the ground beef,
and the butcher asked, "How many pounds?" The dog barked twice,
so the butcher made a package of two pounds ground beef.
He then asked, "Anything else?" The dog pointed to the pork chops,
and the butcher asked, "How many?" The dog barked four times,
and the butcher made up a package of four pork chops.
The dog then walked around behind the counter, so the butcher
could get at the purse.
The butcher took out the appropriate amount of money and tied
two packages of meat around the dog's neck.
The man, who had been watching all of this, decided to follow
the dog.
It walked for several blocks and then walked up to a house where
it began to scratch the door to be let in.
As the owner opened the door, the man said to the owner, "That's
a really smart dog you have there." The owner said, "He's not
really all that smart.
This is the second time this week he forgot to take his front
door key.".

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