第三,在下目前的想法是,首選當然是留在美國,最好能進大公司,進小公司也可以接受,但不進華人公司,除非是台灣的跨國公司,如鴻海、ASUS等;其次是回去中華區的大外商公司(McK, DB, GS, big four, etc.)工作,因為在下在那些地方比較佔優勢;最下的選項就是回學校去念書�?
What are your advantages when compared with people majoring in business fields?? If you were the interviewer, would you hire a person like you, not those MBAs from top universities in the States??
To tell the truth, the best choice for you is to get a degree in other relevant fields (business, economics, statistics, finance....) if you really want to work in these fields. To get another degree is not your worsr choice!!!!!
Again, tt is nearly impossible for an undergraduate in social science to find a job here.
第五,在下在另一po裡面有提到AXA Advisors的offer,在下很願意接受那份工作,只是在下還是希望能找到更好的、對前途更有幫助的工作;因此對於那個offer,未來如果有必要的話,在下會先接受,但會一邊工作一邊繼續投簡歷找更好的�?
If this is your only offer, and you are willing to accpet it, then take it! If you have other offers, compare what benefits these jobs can give you, which one is more helpful to your career.
Same as above, place yourself in the company's position, will they (business firms) hire a person like you, with your background in social science?