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General : Low Self Esteem
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 Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameßeaker  (Original Message)Sent: 10/31/2007 10:58 AM
I really need some advice parents.
It's Caitlin, she is a fragile but stroppy little creature who will burst into tears over anything.  It's worse when she is tired like tonight where everything had her in tears.
Eben tripped up over her while he was walking backwards - she was nearly inconsolable over her 'hurting' her brother.  He's such a little toughy he didn't even cry and just got up and carried on.  I didn't even bat an eye lid when it happened as it was his fault anyway.
She's turning into a sore looser at school.  If she doesn't win a game, it ends in tears because she thinks she is not good enough to win.  If she doesn't win a prize for fancy dress day, it ends in tears. 
Bedtime everynight..... tears.  After getting her into bed tonight, she burst into tears again saying that she guessed she wasn't my honey bunny anymore. 
Last week she admitted she was scared when I went to work in case I found another family with children who behave all the time to live with! - prompting a half an hour speech of how mummy loves all three of them for who they are  etc etc etc - where Jack declared "I'm Pwoud of you mum"
Both Mr B and I are at our wits end.  We don't know how to approach the self esteem issue.  She is praised for doing her best, she is told she is loved I don't know how many times a day (I love giving my kids hugs and kisses).  She is reminded how beautiful and intelligent she is.  She knows that Mr B and I consider ourselves lucky to have such wonderful children.  But she is also told that we can't win everything all the time because that would be unfair on others.  We seem to be constantly reassuring her.
I find myself coaching her to stand up to her peers with a big confident voice.  But yet, she'll argue with me and her father until the cows come home.
She needs to be involved in everything.  If I pat the boys on the head while walking past them, she asks if I'll pat her on the head.  She notices all these little things and makes sure she doesn't miss out on anything.  After getting back from Eben's last scan a few weeks ago, she asked if she could have cancer too .
You couldn't say she misses out as I normally take her out with me in the weekend for Mummy/Daughter time.  Caitlin and I do quite a bit together, she is effectively my shaddow.  If anyone misses out, it's Eben who doesn't get the trips out as much as Caitlin and Jack.
She starts T-ball on Saturday, I know she'll get frustrated if she doesn't play as well as the other children.
I know I was overly sensitive as a child, but not this sensitive!  I had the weight issue to deal with as a child, she's the model material child with no flaws.  
I'm worried after the kindy incident that someone at her school is going to think something unseemly is happening here at home. 
There aren't any issues going on at home that would normally affect a child, Mr B and I aren't fighting or even arguing over anything (not that we argue in front of the kids), SD is kind of behaving.  All of Caitlin's drawings show a happy Caitlin.
We have puppies!!! we all spend time in the weekend working in the vege garden, or Caitlin, Jack and I bake - While Mr B works on painting the house.  We are the epitome of a happy family!!!!!
Someone - HELP!!!!

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamek1w14everSent: 10/31/2007 12:03 PM
Beaker, first off giant big hugs.
Now if you don't mind this is coming from me who has a older child who is very healthy and a younger one who is always getting check out at the hospital.
As a parent with a sick child you tend to without knowing you are doing it watch the sick one more than the others. This by no way means the others are less loved but they don't see it that way.  We show both kids the same love and praise as each other.  But if Blake has a big fall we check him out and if Alana does she gets a hug but not as much time as Blake.
No matter how much you tell her Caitlin is very worryed about lossing her brother ot doing something to him that might make him end up in hospital. 
We decided to do charts for the kids for good behavier maybe do one for her been brave and not crying.  I am going to a child psychology lady to help me understand Alana and her moods(it drives me nuts).  My first 2 weeks I have to do the following:
every single time Alana smiles does as she is asked etc she gets high fives and heaps of praise.  She also gets stickers on a chart and once she has a certain amount can go to the shops and buy something.  If she gets into trouble I am only aloud to tell her off for 15 seconds.  The Psycho(lady) said that kids get told off longer than they get praised.  It is working slowly and I go back to the doc on Friday to get the next step on what to do.
Can you have a special day with Caitlin once a month where it is just you and her and you go for a ice cream or something and just talk to her and not mention anyone else in the family.  This might also help.
reinforce that her brother is fine and that he will need check ups heaps of times as well will help.
As for winning is best, that is a hard one.  All board games we play we all play to win in our house and funnly Blakes seems to win most games.
You are great parents and she is very much loved.  You see that in photos you have posted.  Maybe seeing someone might help. 
I hope I have not rambled on and you get something from my post.  If there is anything I can do please just ask.
big hugs

 Message 3 of 12 in Discussion 
From: LoveleeSent: 10/31/2007 9:22 PM
Beaker ... is it self esteem thats her problem?
What triggers it to be that for YOU?

 Message 4 of 12 in Discussion 
From: LoveleeSent: 10/31/2007 9:24 PM
You mention her drawings.  Get her to do one of the family.
Where are the family members?  Close, separated are the animals in the pic?
Blah blah .. Im really wanting to just dig a lil bit more, shes 4-5 ??

 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: AlicatSent: 10/31/2007 11:01 PM
I'm going to approach this from a different tack. Had you considered having a wee chat with your GP first outlining what has been going on with Caitlin, then getting the GP to give her a medical check up. This suggestion is more to exlude any underlying medical issues before looking at what else is going on.

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: LoveleeSent: 11/1/2007 12:05 AM
Excellent point Ali

 Message 7 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameswëëtpëãSent: 11/1/2007 1:04 AM
You just descibed my Heather. I will admit by the time she was about 7 I got heartly sick of the tears and explained to her that because she was crying over everything I now automaically asumed she was crying over nothing again and that her tears were making me angry rather than willing to help her. That all sounds very harsh but I also made sure she got plenty of praise for acheiving anything or trying not to cry when she got a fright or hit by one of the others (the cuprit always got a quick telling off and ignored).
I also tried to give her some control and responsibility over her own life, little things at first like choosing what clothes she wanted and letting her choose which instrament to learn and not forcing her to continue with lessons once she reached the end of the block I had paid for to last year letting her have the rabbit she wanted (Inky) when she proved that she could do most of the care involved by feeding and grooming the cats for 2 months. Something she still does volunterily over a year later.

 Message 8 of 12 in Discussion 
From: LoveleeSent: 11/1/2007 2:10 AM
Along those lines then   Id be thinking of rescue remedy and/or ignatia.
Homeopathically speaking.
It may be that shes got herself into a habit ??  Is that what yer saying SP ?

 Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameshef©Sent: 11/1/2007 5:04 AM
Lol Rere, snap --  I had no self-esteem as a kid and I had a weight problem too
I'm at a loss as far as the losing at games etc goes, only thing I can suggest is that you take heaps of photos when she's doing well and point out that she may not have won but  "look -- you did this and this" ? Let her choose one or two to send to Nanna
As far as the you leaving to find another family thing .. has a friend, family member or even just oneof the kids in her class had a family break-up lately? As the saying goes "little pitchers have big ears" and she may have got half a story somewhere and (with a little imagination) tied it to her own family. For some kids, hearing mum or dad telling the other to piss off (even in jest) is enough.      Just a thought
My last thought  - does she spend time with Mr B? When ever Rach had problems, it wasn't me she came to, her Dad was (and still is) the most important person in her life. I couldn't be jealous, it's a real daughter/father thing,
Thinking of you all

 Message 10 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekarey64Sent: 11/1/2007 5:36 AM
Low self  esteem or really high personal standards?
I'm wondering if she has delegated herself to the role of the "perfect child".  SD is the naughty one, Eben is the sick one, Jack ??? and in her sweet little mind she has picked the perfect child for her role.  So when she loses  a game it dents the veneer.  When Eben fell over her she has processed it as "he is small and sick" and consequently taken the guilty party role in the very minor event and again, dented the veneer.  Bed time removes her from your view and therefore she can't be seen forfilling her role. 
If it is that, then more praise is actually reinforcing her chosen role.
Just throwing the idea out there.

 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBoMummaSent: 11/2/2007 12:13 AM
shoot i'm no help, but i would like to offer C and her mummy big loves right now.  wow, aren't kids tricky....  i liked the idea of getting her to draw the family though....

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameßeakerSent: 11/8/2007 10:13 AM
Thank you so much for your thoughts everyone.  Sorry for the delay in responding.... Mr B fried the computer last week when he switched our power on and didn't think to turn the computer off at the wall first.
It's been an interesting week and Karey, I think you may have hit the nail on the head about her choosing a roll for herself.
Yesterday morning she decided she didn't want to be Maori anymore and wanted white skin .  I managed to get that sorted.  I thought someone had mentioned something at school but no, she found it hard to understand why Mummy, Caitlin and Jack are Maori while Daddy and Hannah aren't.  She wanted to be white like daddy and Hannah.
Lovelee, I thought self esteem as she isn't overly confident around her peers.  The other day there were tears over a peer 'correcting/belittling' her when she called a bumble bee a buzzy bee.  I've been working with her to tackle similar situations.
Her pictures of the family always show the six of us, normally in age order.  Always standing together She won't draw the animals because she thinks she isn't very good at drawing them.  There is always a house, the sun and lots of love hearts.  Yeah she's five and a half now.
Kiwi - thanks for the tips, I will bear that in mind.
Ali - thank you, I do think I need to have a chat to our GP
Sweetpea - the two do sound like two peas in a pod
Ek, Eben's not feeling well, will have to finish this later

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