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General : I'm an emotional mess.
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 Message 57 of 58 in Discussion 
From: Lovelee  in response to Message 56Sent: 10/24/2008 6:25 AM
Wellie .. Id like to see you keep a diary about her .. it would have been good if you started it a couple of years ago .. but it might give you a better idea if it is teen hormones.  It certainly sounds like it in that the ST Johns wort has helped her.  KEEP IT UP TO HER!!
I suppose its up to her if this affects her profile.  One thing you can probably be sure of shes a totally normal teenage girl, who is having trouble coping with the hormone flooding.  However, whats not accepted is letting this take us over to the point where we make others around us annoyed and tippy-toey

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     re: I'm an emotional mess.   MSN Nicknameheatherupnorth  11/20/2008 9:42 PM