Oh Karey - your story has made me go all tingly. Adoption stories usually bring a tear to my eye.
About 6 years ago a friend of mine had a workmate in his 30's who decided to find his birth mother. He was adopted in the UK and they emigrated to NZ and he grew up in Timaru.
When he went back to find her, his mother made up a photo album for him to give his birth mother. (tear in eye)
He was born in England but traced his mothers birth to a village in Ireland, phoned NZ, my friend told him to go across and start with the local priest. He did and before he told the priest what he was there for, old priest said "I know who you are, I know your mother!!!" He said come back this afternoon and in the meantime I'll go and visit your mother and break the news to her. As they walked outside onto the street together the priest said quietly. "Go back inside, I see your mother walking up the street"
I thought it was amazing that the same priest was still in village but maybe my friend who is Irish knew that was a good possibility.