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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameShylyQ  (Original Message)Sent: 6/17/2006 1:52 AM

Watch this until Sylvester catches Tweety.......

(wait for it, it's worth it)...
After Tweety is caught, scroll down...







This was an idiot test.  How long did you watch ?

0-2 seconds     ---      
there's hope for you

2-5 seconds       ------
 having a bad day ?
5-10 seconds     ----  
are you maybe just a slow reader ?
10-20 seconds   ------
remedial classes are nothing to be ashamed of
20-30 seconds   -----
it is recommended that you don't breed

30 sec-1 min     -------
you probably can't read this anyway.  So why bother ?
1-2 min             --------
the equivalent of the average house plant

2-5 min             -------
Good afternoon  Jessica Simpson  
5 min -1 hr         ------
Dead people score in this range

1hr plus            -------
congratulations!   You have a negative IQ.   To find out what
your prize is, watch bugs until he finishes his carrot...

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