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WWE RESULTS FOR SMACKDOWN FOR 1-2-09 Vickie Guerrero came to wish the fans a Happy New Year, then Triple H came out to ask if he is in the Royal Rumber, she finally told him he was. Finlay, Hornswoggle, The Great Khali vs Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins the winners are Finlay, Hornswoggle & The Great Khali. Jesse & Festus vs Ezeckal Jackson & Brian Kenderick the winner is Ezeckal Jackson & Brian Kenderick. Hurricane Helms vs Vladmir Kozlov the winner is Vladmir Kozlov. Michelle McCool came out to apologize to Maria for attacking her last week, but I do not believe her, she attacked the woman who announces the matches. Vickie Guerrero told Triple H he will wrestle 3 matches next week it will be called Triple Jeopardary, since she is angry over her stupid problems so she is going after Triple H the game. MVP vs Kizarny the winner is Kizarny. Jeff & Matt Hardy vs Edge & The Big Show the winners are Jeff & Matt Hardy. Jeff Hardy pinned Edge. Big Show left Edge during this tag match. Your Wrestling Guide, Love & Peace, AngelBear7042-Mgr. |
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Thank you for a great post. Love & Best Always, HBK-HEARTBREAKER2 |
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Thank you for a great post. Love & Best Always, HBK-HEARTBREAKER2 |
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Thank you for a great post. Love & Best Always, HBK-HEARTBREAKER2 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. Love Always, BearyBear77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. Love Always, BearyBear77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. Love Always, BearyBear77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. Love Always, BearyBear77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. Love Always, BearyBear77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. Love Always, BearyBear77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. I love it. Love & Best Wishes, IrishStar77 |
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Thank you for sharing this super post. I love it. Love & Best Wishes, IrishStar77 |
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Thank you for a great post. Love & Best Always, HBK-HEARTBREAKER2 |
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Thank you for a great post. Love & Best Always, HBK-HEARTBREAKER2 |