Please read our welcome page and follow our rules and enjoy your membership to our group.PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY WEB SITES, LINKS OR ADVERTISE ON THE MESSAGEBOARDS Love & Hugs, AngelBear7042-Mgr. Please read our welcome page and follow our rules and enjoy your membership to our group. Love & Hugs, AngelBear7042-Mgr. Please read our welcome page and follow our rules and enjoy your membership to our group. Regards, BillyJack282- Ass.Mgr. Please read our welcome page and follow our rules and enjoy your membership to our group. Love Always, BearyBear77-Mgr. PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY WEB SITES, LINKS OR ADVERTISE ON THE MESSAGEBOARDS, PLEASE DO NOT CURSE OR SWEAR ON THE MESSAGEBOARDS. THANK YOU. MGR OF OUR WWE STAR AND WWE STARS.