Stephanie McMahon came out to talk with fans and WWE Wrestlers and to ask questions. Randy Orton told her it was not fair John Cena has a title shot. JBL-John Bradshaw complained where is Mr.
McMahon and he complained about HBK-Shawn Michaels, then HBK-Shawn Michaels asked Stephanie McMahon for a match with JBL and when she did not give him the match, cause of what JBL did last week, HBK-Shawn Michaels went after JBL and made him pay and all other wrestlers left the ring. Kelly Kelly vs Victoria the winner is Kelly Kelly, after the match Victoria attacked
Kelly-Kelly, then Mickie James, Jillian Hall, Candice Michelle came out to get Victoria, also Beth Phoenix threw Victoria back in the ring and gave it to her. Batista vs Manu with Cody Rhodes the winner is Batista. The Miz & John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio & HBK-Shawn Michaels the winners are
The Miz & John Morrison, The Miz pinned HBK-Shawn Michaels with the help of John Morrison. Cryme Tyme vs Kane & JBL-John Bradshaw Layfield the winners
are JBL-John Bradshaw Layfield & Kane. William Regal vs Matt Hardy there is no winner it was a double count out neither one won both were counted out. Chris Jericho came out to brag he is the best champion ever and he will beat John Cena, I hope John Cena beats this BUM and takes his title away from him. CM Punk vs Randy Orton in a lumberjack match the winner is Randy Orton.
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