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Ric Flair vs Carlito the winner was Ric Flair. Bobby Lashley vs Shane Mc Mahon, Umaga, Vince McMahon. The winner is Bobby Lashley and he should be the ECW Champion since he won the match, but cry babyVince McMahon said Bobby Lashley has to pin him to win the ECW Champion this is not fair.Elijah Burke vs CM Punk the winner is CM Punk. Awful Randy Orton attached HBK-Shawn Michaels before his match and doctor told HBK not to wrestle. Randy Orton vs HBK -Shawn Michaels who is a proud man went against Randy Orton, even though he was hurt and they stopped the match and gave it to awful Randy Orton who then RKO HBK-Shawn Michaels and hurt him bad, Shawn's wife came up to be by his side and he is now in a hospital thanks to ROTTEN RANDY THE JERK ORTON. World Tag Team Championship Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy vs Lance Cade and Trevor Murdock the winner were Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy pinned Lance Cade. Batista vs Edge If the referee counted faster then when Batista has EVIL EDGE DOWN HE WOULD HAVE PINNED THE BUM. The winner was EVIL EDGE who attacked Batista's sore leg and beat our great Batista this was not fair, I hope Edge's title will be short-lived and someone will take the title away from the EVIL, SNEAKY JERK!!!!!!!!!! Chris Benoit vs MVP the winner of 2 straight falls and New U.S. Champion was MVP I figured this would happen the way they were building up this BUM MVP. He did the same thing EVIL EDGE he worked on Chris Benoit leg and this was how he got the win this was VERY DISAPPOINTING TO SEE A BUM LIKE MVP BE OUR U.S. CHAMPION. I hope Chris Benoit has a rematch and gets his title back. The best match was John Cena vs The Great Khali the winner was John Cena who gave The Great Khali a good fight and made this AWFUL LOSER TAP OUT TO THE STFU it was great to see one GOOD GUY will for a switch. I am glad John Cena is still WWE Champion.Even though Chris Benoit is not our U.S. Champion I will always have the most respect for him and same respect for Dave Batista too. Your Wrestlin Guide, Love & Peace, AngelBear7042-Mgr. |
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Thank you for a super post awesome. Regards, BillyJack-282- |
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Thank you for a super post awesome. Regards, BillyJack-282- |
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Thank you for sharing a great post. Love Always, BearyBear77- Ass.Mgr. |
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Thank you for sharing a great post. Love Always, BearyBear77- Ass.Mgr. |
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Thank you for sharing this great post. Love & Best Always, AngelAngel777. |
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Thank you for sharing this great post. Love & Best Always, AngelAngel777. |
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Thank you for this great post. Love & Best, VegasGal777 |