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WWE RESULTS FOR SURVIVOR SERIES 11-25-05 Booker T with Sharmell vs Chris Benoit in one of the best of seven matches the winner with the help of Sharmell and Booker T using the ropes as leverage was Booker T. This match was not FAIR!!! Melina vs Trish Straus the winner was Trish Straus.Last Man Standing Match no pin falls or submission anything goes Triple H vs Ric Flair the winner was Triple H doing all his rotten stuff since he could do wantever he wanted he hit Ric Flair with a sledgehammer. Edge came out with Lita bragging about his new show the cutting Edge on Raw. Kurt Angle with Davari vs John Cena this match was not fair since Davari would not could when Kurt Angle was down and they had several referee who Kurt Angle knocked down and finally one came who was fair and John Cena FU Kurt Angle and won the match. Theodore Long vs Eric Biscoff the Boogie Man went after Biscoff since Biscoff did some not so great things then Theodore Long pinned Eric Biscoff and won. Raw vs Smackdown HBK-Shawn Michaels, Carlito, Chris Masters, Big Show & Kane vs Batista, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, John Bradshaw Layfield, and Bob Lashley. Bob Lashley was eliminated, Kane is Eliminated, Batista is eliminated, Big Show is eliminated, Carlito is eliminated, Chris Masters is eliminated, Rey Mysterio is eliminated. Then JBL-John Bradshaw Layfield is eliminated by HBK-Shawn Michaels. Then Randy Orton RKO HBK-Shawn Michaels and the winner is Smackdown. Then the music of the Undertaker is played and he lit fire to show how upset he was at Randy Orton and the Undertaker came down and went after all the Smackdown Wrestlers who were in the ring to be at Randy Orton's side when he won, but Randy left with fear I am sure since he and the Undertaker still have a lot of unfinished business and I hope the Undertaker makes him pay. Your Wrestling Guide, Love & Peace, AngelBear7042-Mgr. |
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Thank you for a super post. God Bless You, Love & Peace, LibertyBear777-Manager |
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Thank you for a super post awesome. Regards, BillyJack-Mgr. |
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Thank you For Sharing a great post. Love & Best Always, Dreamgal552-Mgr. |
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