The Great Khali calls out Big Show. Yawn. Big Show comes out and the translator tells him of a peace offering. First offering is a large bottle of fresh water; next, they uncover a bird cage with a chicken in it. They tell Big Show he will never go hungry again because of the eggs he’ll enjoy from it. Is this segment serious?
Finally, they uncover the animal carrier and a goat is brought out. Yes, there was a real live chicken and goat. Big Show understands how Khali feels and he wants to express his feelings, too. Show extends his hand and Khali takes it. Show hits Khali with a right hand sending him to the mat. Big Show leaves while officials come out to check on Khali.
Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore vs. John Morrison and the Miz
There were some great spots in this match and some great false finishes. The end came after Yang sent Morrison to the outside, only to get the neckbreaker portion of the Reality Check from The Miz to end the match.
Winners: John Morrison and The Miz
Edge and Vicki Guerrero are shown in a health spa getting a couples massage, while Teddy Long is standing in the background. Edge says that this was a great idea by Vicki because he’s so stressed out from losing to The Undertaker.
Finlay w/Hornswoggle vs. Matt Striker
Hornswoggle threatened Striker with a bucket, but only got confetti thrown on him. Hornswoggle hands him an umbrella, but he didn’t know what to do with it so he threw it to the ground. Hornswoggle opened up the umbrella for himself and told him to look behind. Finlay threw a bucket of water at him. The final moments of the match had Hornswoggle run into the ring with a pretend mallet to hit Striker in the back, distracting him. The ref grabbed the mallet to throw it out of the ring, allowing Finlay to hit Striker with a shilleleigh shot for the win.
Winner: Finlay
We’re shown a recap of the events involving Victoria, Michelle McCool and that mysterious woman (Natalia Neidhart).
Victoria makes her way to the ring with her new friend to introduce her to everyone. Nattie Neidhart will be working under the name Natalia Neidhart. Victoria said that if you don’t know who her father is then take a look at the video. It shows Jim Neidhart.
Michelle McCool vs. Victoria w/Natalia Neidhart
This was a short match with distractions from Neidhart. The end came when Neidhart threw her jacket at McCool to distract her while Victoria got a school boy on her.
Winner: Victoria
Batista and Shawn Michaels are both introduced. The two pretty much say the same things from the last couple times they went face to face, most recently on WWE Raw. Shawn Michaels was about to exit the ring when he faked a super kick. Batista ducked away and set up for the Batista Bomb. Shawn Michaels rolled out of the ring to end the segment.
Vladimir Kozlov vs. Matt Logan
Logan is from Boston and trained at Chaotic. There was minimal offense from Logan, but the match didn’t last long as Kozlov won with an inverted DDT.
Winner: Vladimir Kozlov
MVP comes out to do commentary.
Matt Hardy vs. Chuck Palumbo
Great match between the two. Hardy was over huge. The end came when Hardy hit a Twist of Fate out of nowhere after a blocked attempt.
Winner: Matt Hardy
Edge and Vicki are now shown together in bed. There is whipped cream as well as strawberries involved. The lights in the room go out while you hear what’s going on. Lights come back on again and Teddy Long is there saying that he’s no longer guarding the door. Edge tells Vicki he’ll make her forget about all that and the lights go out again.
Undertaker vs. Festus w/Jesse
Lots of back and forth action and a number of false finishes. The closing moments had Undertaker moving out of the way of Festus charging at him in the corner knocking the referee out. Undertaker followed by using the figure four like chokehold. Another referee ran down to the ring to make the call because Festus had passed out.
Winner: Undertaker
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Love & Peace,