John Morrison & The Miz vs Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore the winners are The Miz & John Morrison and still champions. Colin Delaney
vs Vladimir Kozlov the win is Vladimir Kozlov. Victoria & Natalia Neidhart
vs Cherry & Michelle Mc Cool the winners are Natalia Neidhart & Victoria. Natalia Neidhart pinned Michelle McCool and Natalia cheated and she used the tights. Mark Henry vs Nunzio the winner is Mark Henry.
The Big Show was in Nunzio corner he told Mark Henry to pick on someone his own size next time. Matt Hardy vs MVP for U.S. Champion the winner is
Matt Hardy and still U.S. Champion.
Mick Foley is interviewing Batista
about his match with HBK-Shawn Michaels vs Batista which HBK-Shawn Michaels won, he told Mick Foley he hopes he was really hurt and not faking his leg injury if he was not hurt, then Batista told all if he finds out he will hurt him for sure. Jesse & Festus
vs Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder the winners are Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder. Finlay vs Holo Delanio the winner is Finlay who had Hornswoggle
with him. The Undertaker match with The Great Khali did not happened Vickie Guerrero came out with her far fetched plan and stripped The Undertaker of the title saying he used the choke submission and it has injuried too many of her superstars and this is not because of Edge, BULL.
She told The Undertaker if he would not give it to her his title belt she was sending someone down to take it from him. The Great Khali tried to take it and The Undertaker got him in the choke submission during this Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder stold the belt from the ring. This is so stupid The Undertaker never lost his title to anyone to lose it this way is really DUMB like VICKIE GUERRERO the selfish WITCH and sore loser Vickie Guerrero and Edge are to do such a stupid thing just cause she is a manager does not give her the right to do what she did to The Undertaker.
Your Wrestling Guide, Love & Peace, AngelBear7042-Mgr.