Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin there is no winner due to MVP attacking Jeff Hardy so no one wins this match, then Jeff Hardy made MVP pay and fought back and went after Shelton Benjamin too. Michelle McCool & Maria vs Maryse & Natalya Neinhart the winners are Natalya Neinhart & Maryse. Natalya Neinhart pinned Michelle McCool. Brian Kenderick
with Zek his manager vs Scott Goldman the winner is Brian Kenderick. The Great Khali came out to brag how he is going to beat Triple H. Triple H the game vs Kenny Dykstra the winner is Triple H the game. Triple H the went after The Great Khali Manager then Triple H went after The Great Khali showing no fear at all. Ryan
Bradic vs The Big Show the winner is Big Show. Festus vs Vladmir Kozlov the winner is Vladmir Kozlov. Edge has Vickie Guerrero who is taking in the ring. We ended up seeing Edge and Vickie Guerrero in movie clips. I was hoping we see The Undertaker instead of the JERK EVIL EDGE. This show was a big disappointment no Undertaker on it. Your Wrestling Guide, Love & Peace, AngelBear7042-Mgr.