Batista demanded a rematch for his World Championship, Stephanie McMahon told Batista not until after Survivor Series, since John Cena will go against Chris Jericho at Survivor Series so he will have to wait until afterwards, then Randy Orton told Batista he is next in line and Randy Orton bragged he is better than Batista which is not true, so tonight Batista vs Randy Orton.
William Regal vs Santino Marella for Intercontinental Championship the winner is
William Regal and new Incontinental Champion.
D LO Brown vs Mike Knox the winner is Mike Knox. Chris Jericho came out to brag about beating Batista and told all he beat John Cena too, I hope John Cena beats this BUM and takes this title from him. Chris Jericho came out to brag how he beat HBK-Shawn Michaels and how he hit HBK-Shawn Michaels wife, Chris Jericho is a JERK. Kane vs Rey Mysterio in a no disqualication match the winner is Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio pinned Kane. Batista vs Cody Rhodes with Manu the winner is Batista. Batista pinned Cody Rhodes and he speared Mana, Randy Orton was suppose to go against Batista but Cody Rhodes bragged he could beat Batista which he was wrong.
Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James for Woman's Championship the winner is Beth Phoenix and still Woman's Champion. Chris Jericho vs HBK-Shawn Michaels in a last man standing match the winner is
Chris Jericho with the help of JBL-
John Bradshaw Layfield. This match was not fair to have JBL in this match.
Your Wrestling Guide,
Love & Peace,