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TRAVELING : Astral Critters
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/27/2008 11:05 AM
Astral Critters

Often as a paranormal investigator I'm asked if anything can follow me or anyone on my team home. In all honesty I have to answer yes, there are situations where something can follow somebody home from an haunted residence.

It's not as bad as it sounds, but all paranormal investigators must keep in mind that a little bit of the astral world can always come home with them and stay for a spell.

So what follows us home?

Is it a ghost, spirit or Great Aunt Thelma from beyond the grave?

Chances are what's been tracked into our private sanctuary is what I dub an "astral critter".

I'm not sure what exactly to call these beings. Some call them elementals, others the "wee folk".

We know them in folklore as elves, fairies or goblins, but chances are they are all basically the same thing; non-human entities attach themselves to us and attempt to make themselves at home until they choose to leave, have to leave or we make them leave.

So what's the theory behind these astral critters?

I'm no expert, but I can offer my opinion of what they are, why they attach themselves to us and what we need to do to get rid of them.

Keep in mind these are usually non-human entities, and they're more of an annoyance than a threat. However, sometimes they can cause some havoc.

This is how I believe we take them home. Often a haunted residence has a "portal" somewhere on the property. This portal is how the astral beings enter and exit the spirit plane into the physical plane.

Usually these are ghosts, which are generally confines to the area and don't leave. However, nothing is stopping other astral beings from entering the physical plane from the astral.

If there is a smaller hole, chances are there are smaller astral beings. Most haunted places have a portal that can expel these smaller beings.

They have personalities, but usually they are bent on mischief or fascination with our world.

It's possible they find some fascination with a team member, perhaps due to the cool gadget the team member is using and there's an attraction. Bang!

Like a little kid with a new toy, the critter attaches itself to the unknowing paranormal investigator.

The Investigator goes home and that's when the real strange stuff happens:

First, the TV starts acting up, screen bouncing maybe, or the cordless phone dies with no plausible explanation. Appliances in the kitchen start up or turn off. Things start falling off shelves, and strange knocks or noises occur.

The family cat is terrorized by something it sees, but no one else can see it. The docile feline becomes outrageously skittish.

The dog barks at air, and whines. Then the homeowner, confused about what's going on in the home starts seeing it himself.

Rarely directly, but in the corner of the eye. It's about three feet tall, and usually green or brown. As soon at you glance at it, it takes off somewhere else.

Rarely will it directly interact or attempt to harm a person, but it certainly can be really annoying after awhile, and it soon wears out its welcome.

Does this sound familiar? Many of us had these things happen after an investigation. It's an astral critter, it followed you home, and now you have a choice. You can either get rid of it or keep it as an exotic pet, which I don't recommend.

In the old days when people were more superstitious these critters had characteristics that gave them a more defined appearance, wings, hats, vests, possible a tail.

They're usually seen looking somewhat like humans, an appear both male and female.

Chances are these are all put on the creatures by the seers to make more sense of they were seeing.

People also lived with these beings, offering them food and wine, and making sure they didn't anger them and lose their crops.

They were common seen in farms and woods, and were seen as nature spirits or even home guardians.

People in Ireland, Iona, and the Isle of Man still see them commonly.

But in any year, can we really believe in these creatures?

Sure, much of the stories were myth, but I cant tell you how often I heard stories about these critters, and witnessed them myself.

Is it that hard to believe in lower astral forms?

Anyway, how would you get rid of these creatures?

The good news is that they usually leave on their own within a week. Sometimes they don't leave, and that's when some action needs to be taken to get rid of it.

Here are some suggestions from folklore that still work today:

-Placing some pepper and vinegar in a dish can deter them.
-Ring a loud bell throughout the home, it usually makes them leave.
-Keep a piece on iron on you, just a small piece. Folklore says they don't like it.
-Just tell it to leave, and it often does.
-use sage to cleanse your living area.
-Say a prayer to get rid of it. 

Finally, put chimes on your door, do it they wont return.

Astral critters can be annoying and a little scary, but are relatively harmless. Let it know who's boss and it should hit the road.

In this day and age, we still need to be on our guard against and mischievous and negative entities.

As many paranormal investigators know, sooner or later you'll come home from an investigation, and you know without a doubt something's not right, and chances are its an astral critter, and you'll know how to get rid of it.    Good luck!