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STORY BOARD : StarFire's --- Ghostly Experience #2
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/1/2009 11:18 PM
Ghostly Experience #2
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameStarFireOnyx</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 6/24/2008 3:37 AM
Hello Everybody!
Wow, you guys are so supportive! and I thank you from every inch of my heart...
I have decided to post another Experience here on the boards for you, and as Owl already knows most of them, she has always encouraged me to get them "outta my system for good", so i guess I feel really comfortable here talking about them so i will continue to Purge! (hehehe)
One night after several hours of quiet sleep, I woke with a startle, it seemed unfortunately for me, that everytime something was going to happen my radar was out and i picked up the vibes.  It always started the same way, I would wake from a sound sleep with a fright, look around the moonlit bedroom, and then that familiar sound would start.  I dreaded that sound, out of nowhere, our little animal mobile hanging from the centre of the room would start blowing in the wind, only problem was there was no wind in the middle of the room, this always seemed to be the "Entities" Calling card.
Everytime this would happen i would lie in bed frozen into postition and pull the covers up to my nose, I have to be honest i really dont know how i never peed the bed, i was so terrified. Then you would hear a noise or you would feel the dead weight on the bed, followed by the spiderweb like brushing feeling across your face just stroking you ever so lightly.  I usually clammed my eyes shut tight at this point, then it would stop.  Just when you thought it was all over, other things would happen, this particular night, I heard my little sisters toy stroller moving around the lino floor in the kitchen/Dining area.  I would lie there heart pounding, hoping mum would get up and look, but she never heard what I heard.  So I dont even know why i did it, I got up to see what was happening, I walked down the hall way and slowly approached the kitchen/Dining room door way where i witnessed my sisters toy stroller moving on its own, I would think that my eyes were lit up like saucers, i couldnt believe what i had seen, but the stroller stopped abruptly and just stood there facing me.  I remember thinking i wonder if it will move again, and just as that thought past my mind, it shot across the lino towards me at a fast speed, I screamed my lungs out, and I swear i should have wet my pants, i remember mum came running out of her room, and all i could do was sob and mutter in between my hyperventilation the stroller "the stroller", by this time everyone was up and i was saying to mum how it came racing across the room towards me, i kept saying to her i didnt want to sleep by myself, so mum decided to try and squeeze in the single bed with me in my room, as i know she figured there was no way in hell i was gonna let her off staying next to me.
We also started to notice around these sorts of episodes that i would be having severe nosebleeds...Sometimes they would bleed for 45mins without letting up, I started to experience alot of illness too, lost weight and became very pale and weak, mum had me at  the doctors all the time having tests to find out what was wrong with me, but they could never find anything wrong, even though physically you could see something wasn't quite right.
The nosebleeds would just start for no reason at all i could be sitting watching television then all of a sudden both nostrils would start to pour out blood, mum had never seen anything like this sort of "unusual" ailment...And I would always look deathly white..It wasnt until somebody mum was talking to told her that she had heard or read somewhere that "spiritual entities" use young children to "Channel" through, that spirits actually love childrens energy and could be the reason I was bleeding and losing blood, that perhaps it was a side affect of what was happening to me.  Mum dismissed this for quite a long time, but one would find it extremely unusual that my illness and nosebleeds stopped after we moved out of the house!  Even now i might have 1 nosebleed out of every 1 - 2 years, that might be brought on by a cold, but back in that house, I bled up to 3 times a week, 45mins at a time, and i would soak towels, facewashers, mattresses (in my sleep i would get a nosebleed and wake up after i had drowned the pillow and bed in blood) it was very unusual.
Any way more on this later!.....
I have lots more to post about my experiences!