Blah it's Saturday and I am not going out anywhere this weekend. I broke off a crown yesterday and won't get a new one till Monday. So I'm not going out till I get a new crown on Monday or temp.
So I am stuck in the house for the weekend. I'm the type that won't leave the house, unless I look perfect. If I wear cool colors then my jewelry is all sterling silver and turquoise, if I wear warm colors I wear all my gold jewelry. Of course, my shoes and handbags have to match right down to my nail polish.
So I should get some work done around the house here in stead. Last minute dental visit on Friday no tooth till Monday.
Saturdays are really boring for a news junkie like me, no talk radio, nothing much on Cable News either, no soap operas, heck I don't even watch the soaps no more because The Situtation Room on CNN, Lou Dobbs, Glen Beck, and Bill O'Reilly much more exciting than any Soap Opera.