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Chit Chat : June to be homeless, (or maybe July will see saftey again).
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCheepSherry  (Original Message)Sent: 5/25/2008 11:54 PM
Anyone know of a good one bedroom or bachelor available for next month in the Kootenay aria?

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameslslady10Sent: 5/28/2008 12:45 AM
 I hope you find a nice place soon, cheep, God always provides what you need and no more than you can handle.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCheepSherrySent: 8/1/2008 8:50 AM
I guess...   But why dose this darn god want me to live in another crack-shack? I even already know everyone on my floor from previous crack-shacks in previous towns. What is it with these people, and why am I always drawn into living with the total scum of this world? Is there a mission for me here? They don't listen to anyone except their own addictions, or if I had a big chunk of rock in my hand, or a case of whiskey...  I stopped drinking and smoking myself, only to forever find myself surrounded by the sickest of humanity...  I was a god-damned junkie for seven years, and then switched it off to only alcoholism for seven more years after that...  So then after "switching" again, trying to just be a beer drunk and pot-head for a while, I finally got all the way cleaned up, and now I'm still picking god-damned needles and bottles off the shit-stained stairs as I go out my fucking door! God isn't being fair with me, that's what I say. Either give me a fucking purpose and a reason to be amongst these people, or deliver me from the all the freaking shit already! Anyway, thanks for your positive message, I'm sure if I'm just patient enough...  I'll eventually learn to shoot back a quarter gram again without actually dying in the back ally.
(Should I deal again? Is that what the signs are all pointing too? Damn it all to hell already!)

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameslslady10Sent: 8/2/2008 2:34 PM
God gave you the strength to make it through all those changes cheep, and he will give you the strength to carry on. Weather you make the smallest drop in the pond or the largest splash, every step you take makes a difference for you and those around you. It may not seem that way, but god does not reveal his plan to anyone until the moment it is to begin. You've evidently had those moments as you have overcome and thrown off several heavy chains so far, are you going to give up on yourself at this point? God hasn't. don't do anything to reverse the things you have accomplished.

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