That would be the World War 11 generation. They were the generation that lived family values, were patriotic, and weren't spoiled and without morals or values that the next generations have.
Just compare the old movies with the movies today, there is a big difference. Then people were patriotic, they appreciated the military, the flag, their country. They appreciated hard work, sacrifice, they supported the soldier, respected the elderly.
The generations that came afterwards are immoral, evil, valueless, have no respect for the elderly, the soldier, the flag, their country, the family, or hard work.
The movies today are nothing but a bunch of trash. The music today is nothing but trash and so is Hollywood they are disgusting.
That is why there is so much crime.
Another thing, I believe this guy who dressed like Santa Claus and killed all those people at the party, then later had his car blow up with a bomb, shows how low people have fallen to go against their country and joined with the Muslims and the Liberals that hate this country.