Eppie....cant give one example of me linking BO to Al Qaida as she asserts, but she rants on how Henry and second are.... lets see...." filthy liars"..."worthless piss ants"..."pimply faced punks"..."cowardly punks" because they dont post examples of their claims....
Come on Eppie what are you doing....?
- "hiding under a rock" (#193 above)
- Are you afraid you are going "to appear a bigger a hole than you already are"? (#161 above)
- Are you "living in a paranoid world of delusional fear"? (#167 above)
- Do you think people will think you try "to intimidate members with slanderous accusations"? (#190 above)
Where are you Eppie? I see you responding to other threads....but not his one.
"Mind you, their [your] evil methods are ALWAYS done whilst HIDING behind some rock or other." (#193 above)