Does it seem that calamity and disorder are on the increase lately? Everything in America and world currently gives the impression that it is coming apart at the seams; from those dangerously high prices at the pump last summer, to the equal uneasiness of such low gas prices at present, to the economic meltdown and dubious “bailout,�?to the corruption eruption in Illinois, to the outbreak of a new war in the Middle-East. And the list goes on.
Even on that infamous date September 11, 2001, though a stunned America was momentarily uncertain of what its future held, the general understanding was that the nation would identify the culprits, take appropriate action to deal with them, and thereby ensure an eventual return to normality. Yet an ominous pattern shortly emerged. The uncertainties of that triumphant outcome for America were insidiously aggravated by the media who, along with their liberal cohorts on Capitol Hill, concocted one scenario after another in which America was either partly to blame for the hostility of the Islamists, or was somehow impotent in its effort to prevent future acts of terrorism.
It was prominent Democrats and their media parrots that first pronounced the Iraq war a “defeat�?for the United States. And if one was to believe their characterization of the entire War on Terror, it was futility in vanquishing the Taliban in Afghanistan, amidst an endless parade of human rights abuses by Americans, and a general deterioration of life for innocent Iraqis. Meanwhile, the rights of Americans were ostensibly being obliterated by the monitoring of incoming calls from foreign terrorists, an effort that was collectively branded as the U.S. government “spying on Americans.�?/P>