I like the point about Truth existing even if we (or sentient thought) did not exist. The truth that would exist without a word to imply it. The word itself confuses it’s own meaning. Once you apply a “thought�?to truth, it becomes a whole new word. It becomes that thing of “knowledge�?which we can choose using our individually perceived logics, and to which also applies the fine point that we “can minimalise the error in our Perceptions of Actual Truth via Trial & Error combined with Process of Elimination�? Actual Truth is a concept, invented by thoughts, and fit into a term. Once we set a mind loose on something of the Universe which just IS, (as truthfully as it IS because it just IS), then truth becomes a tool of exclusion to all other minds focused on the same thing. A mind will agree or disagree according to it’s nature, yet the observed “thing�? or “process�? or what have you, remains true to itself with no need for explanation. Once you start trying to explain it, then it is in the minds of those observers where “truth�?as a concept begins to deteriorate.
I like to explain it to myself like this: Once you accept a truth, the very moment a truth becomes REAL to you, that very same moment separates you from the rest of the minds out there who would believe something else, and therefore from the rest of humanity (or sentient life) which dose not agree. With these kinds of truths, you then have many minds living in separate Universes. To toy with truth, is to practice separation from your fellow human. If you could just allow something to be, without explaining it, you would be living with the Universe as one in a true truth, and you’d even have harmony with all those other minds out there trying to discover their own truths, because it wouldn’t matter what they thought, as long as you could accept them all as minds not ready to just be.
These are simple concepts, but I’m not quite sure if my describing them, is not also another attempt at a mind trying to separate itself from those who would not agree. [LOL!] It’s a funny business speaking of, and thinking about, things where no words or thoughts are actually necisarry.