In my mind Anarchy is a philosophy more then any type of “movement�? or political idial, and like any good philosophy it defies singular definition in a single mind because there are so many other perspectives of mind to define it in their respective ways also. Which means I’ll not be summing it up today when I tell you that I believe Anarchy isn’t really against anything specific in the world, or even anything in general, it simply lives at the “against�?end of everyone else’s one-sided beliefs - which is really a catch twenty-two for anyone paying attention. But jokes aside, Anarchy as a way of life, means to me that we must TRUST in our fellow man much more then we are ever going to be naturally comfortable with. In my mind Anarchy is a letting go, in a spiritual way, heart and soul, to anything and everything that is possible in the Universe, right down to the core of ourselves in every one of our day to day attitudes. If we can allow our fellow man to make mistakes without impulsive comment, or unsolicited criticism, then we can allow for Anarchy. If we let go of the need to shepherd the thoughts and actions of our neighbors, trusting that whatever their circumstances are now they will eventually lead themselves to better circumstances in time just fine without us later, then we might begin to understand Anarchy. If we can allow that sometimes people’s wills run contrary to our own, and we understand philosophically that sometimes it will not be our will that prevails, yet we nevertheless trust in each other to keep peace in our ways for the good of the species, making it up as we go along, then we can begin to comprehend living in Anarchy. Though I’m sorry to admit that this Ideal Mindset has probably never been born yet. (Unless it was the guy we nailed to a cross that time.)
Anarchy however, like any school of thought, is a fleeting state of mind that you have to concentrate to hang on to, therefore it’s level of achievement will very in degrees with each individual person on any given day depending on their moods, much like the life you and I are living today. I like to think of it in catchy terms like the “Zen of Anarchy�? or the “Toe of Self-government�? but regardless of how you set it up in your brain, the only fundamental differences in a persons life without “government�?from the psychology of a mind in today’s world (according to my theory), would be that we were forced to take full responsibility for every one of our actions, and we would also be forced to trust that our fellow human, without any coercion or help, follows suit and dose the same. Judgment would have to be suspended in our hearts. Criticism, and the driving need to impose our “help�?on everyone - both would have to be kept under a reining self-check. But these are all things we are working towards already; we only have but to be more determinedly vigilant with our efforts when we think about how to interact with the world. The actual change would be a spiritually guiding one (or mental if you choose), an acute focus added to the philosophical attitude of integrity we already have a base for, because we are used to being honest and humble with each other as much as we can, but we just don’t take those social interactions seriously enough, to the point of religion.
But I don’t think we necessarily have to be morally impeccable all the time �?no, just accountable. It doesn’t have to be a world full of Gandhi’s to me, just a bunch of good old folks who are trying. I think about the way we push sometimes to get our own way, or about what we do and say when we get mad; I believe these things would remain the same under Self-governing rule, only we would be held entirely accountable for anything and everything we did, all on our own, and we would all try much harder to live in a much deeper level of honest integrity then we do now. Bob Dylan is credited with the saying: “To live outside the law, you must be honest�? but it is an ancient way of thought. My personal Anarchy isn’t in letting go of a governing body after we’ve finally matured as a race, mine is in living in Anarchy now, and fuck the rest until they catch up. The only REAL differences in my mind between a utopian-ish like styled society of Self-Rule, and the one we are living in right now, are a life where we have to rely more on our neighbors then anything else (likewise as they must rely upon us), a life where we are held truly accountable for all of our own deeds, and a life where trusting in the Universe is a part of our every day world.
Call it religion, Anarchy, or what have you, to my thinking, a life of directed philosophy is all that it means.
Balance, Harmony, and Self-Rule