You gave a response, but not quite an answer.
The actual conversation is in regards to the heavy handed managerial policies that secondson entertains himself with.
Rather than posting here, he'll just zap your post, move it, or even edit it to say what he wishes.
Then suddenly, when membership and postings start to drop, you can't figure out why.
Now then, if you can't explain why it is that you've a dumbass that will come in here and start fucking with people's post without so much posting on the board himself, then you really, really don't have an answer.
Hell, I can't even give you props for having tried, given your lame retort.
Fucks sake.
Sidenote: I don't know what's going on with your board, but this "can't find the page" bullshit is unique to this one. I've been writing on four boards today, and haven't experienced a problem posting on any until now.
That can't be helping.