I received a reply from Dr. Santy and I cannot believe that she does not communicate with Scoundrel or Willy.
I asked her to explain the paradox of holding accountability in high value at the same time she thinks Bush is worthy of being a hero. She told me I had no facts or evidence to support what I said and from there it deteriorated to the usual NS rant.
Coming from someone of her intellectual background, I must admit to being shocked.
This is a direct quote... Clearly you are a one of the many unwashed who prefer feelings rather than rational argument. I have argued my reasons in > 5000 posts over the last 4 years. What have you done besides live in your own bubble? If you supported diversity of thought with as much energy as you likely support diversity of skin color, you would likely have something of intelligence to say....LOL 5000 posts in 4 years; what a workload.
The same cookie cutter attacks that we see here every day and this woman works in academia and is pictured at a NASA control panel in her profile. ( an occupation of M.D. (Psychiatry / Aerospace Medicine). I ask you to notice that she did not address the paradox of her conflicting views; she merely launched an emotional rant against me while accusing me of preferring feelings over rational argument.
It isn't hard to see why sls is enamored of her. What we see from the NS here at PME is the best they have to offer anywhere; even those who work in the aerospace industry. How screwed is this country?
Because you asked....BD