Well, as some of you know, our kitchen is being totally renovated this week. We were expecting them to be here between 8 and 8:30am and had the clock set to wake us at 7:30am....but......we'd no sooner turned on the light to get dressed than the workers were knocking at the door...lol.
Below are pictures of how the emptied out kitchen looked last night, and then pics of how it looked by 8:15am this morning!
Kitchen after we'd taken our things out of it (except the few things showing in the pics
oops, forgot to rotate this one
the little utility room (wallpaper stripped)
They'll be knocking the wall down between the utility room and the kitchen. the doorway you see below is the one between the kitchen and utility room. We took the door off last night to use to replace another door in the house
and below is how it looked by 8:15am. I'll take more pics when we get home later today to show things in stages....LOL