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AllAboutFaeries : A Fairie Encounter
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2007 5:38 AM





This is the first of many fairy stories we can all post in here, they are so much fun!  I think our Creator wanted us to be happy, so he gave us the fairies and angels to delight us, help us, and teach us to be more spiritual.
I used to collect them like I do angel miracles stories. I talk to them,  all the time, when I am in the garden with my flowers. I point out to them all the flowers that need extra help and they answer me, and keep my flowers beautiful!  But I have never seen them, I just feel them around me, and understand what they are telling me. Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Uma
A Fairy Encounter
Fairies are actually pretty common for me. OK, I know that may sound a little--I don't know, lol, but let me explain. Here is a portion of one of my mirror entries (magickal journal):
November 28th, 2004
I can't believe it all. I am simply blown away right now. Last night, at about dusk, I went for a walk in the woods. I brought a faery offering of bread and water, I sang Enya songs, I kissed trees, and I talked to the forest spirits. What I am so amazed at was that I saw faeries for the first time.
I am not sure if they were simply air fairies or if they were tree faeries. I think it was tree fairies. I sat upon a dead log, humming Enya songs. Suddenly, I stopped and pleaded, "Oh! I really want to see you all! Please! Show me yourselves!!!"
Then, these little darting lights emerged from the trees--NO LIE!!! I was totally taken back. All around every tree base were these little emitions of light that zigzagged and danced! I watched speechless for about 15 minutes, basking in the beauty.
I got bold and said softly, "Speak to me, please! I want to hear your voices." And then, I heard whispers. I can't explain it. I just did. I am totally enthralled and excited about this!!! I will not say what they spoke to me though, for that, is locked tight within my heart.
Later that night, when I had gone to bed, I called out to them again. I looked around my room, and I noticed different faery. These were darker, more like shadows darting about. But there were light ones too. They sparkled and gleamed and they all filled me with such a joy! I couldn't stop thanking Goddess for allowing me to see them.
Today in church, I saw them too. It is as if my faery vision has been opened. Everywhere I see them! And I hear their whispers and their singing.
Life truly is beautiful. Blessed is the Creatix who giveth life freely to all things.
So there ends that one entry, but that's not the only times I've seen them.  But really, they are very real.
Often, i'll feel something brush across my face like a bug only I don't see any around. Then, at night, I feel pressure points on me sometimes, like something tiny has stepped on me. Of course fairies can be as big or small as they desire. I've seen things out of the corner of my eyes every day. There is one fairy that lives in my closet and one that lives under my bed (know that sounds weird--lol, but true nonetheless).
Also, I will see lights in my room--sort of tiny twinklings or flashes--and I live out in the woods where there would be no lights shining into my bedroom.
I've also had to banish some spirits that were definitely negative from my house, as well as set up an efficient ward in the astral realms because of this one that kept coming and tricking me. He would take on the appearance of one of my friends (the one I regularly do my astral projections with) and then it would turn out to be the spirit/fairy. Only his presence is very forceful and negative to the point that now I can usually recognize him.
There is this one fairy that comes into the room where my computer is and stands there at the door (I see him, a jolly little gnome, out of the corner of my eye) watching me, but only at dusk if I am still on the computer. He's actually a real comfort and I start worrying if I don't "see" him.
Often, seeing fairies involves more of an inner sight for me, to the point that I know that it's there because if I close my eyes and open my third eye, it's there. I can feel their presences--(like there's one right now peering over my shoulder--she just laughed at me for typing that!!! lololol. Not funny!)
You have the choice to either accept and believe it, and then experience awesome things, or to deny their existence and rob yourself of some wonderful friends and guardians.



A Bee Bg

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