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Rainy's RealmContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Nature is a window to the Soul of our Creator. That is why we are so moved by it. We, too, are windows.

The world is a very green place where happiness blossoms in colored flowers; peace lights the sky; the red earth is rich; and the mountains are brave climbing into the clouds.

Nature hasn't any more instructions than we have. Nature meets life head on and lets its flowers blossom where they may, lets its branches fall where they may. Nature has no regrets, is incapable of lying to itself, holds eternity in each moment gracefully without presumption or consideration, and sways to the rhythm of an eternal and timeless clock.

Nature never needs to escape. She takes comfort and inspiration directly from Life itself and makes us look like busy, complicated creatures who forget we are part of the rest, free to take our nourishment directly, too .

In nature we see what we want to be. Nature shows us our smallness. But our being cries out, "We are unlimited, we are powerful, we are free!"

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We would love to hear your story, telling us, how you know you are powerful, unlimited and free, and that is why you are here. I bet it is as special as you are!  Lots of love, light and blessings,

 Managers and members of Rainy's Realm

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