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AllAboutFaeries : Fairies Of The Forest
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2007 5:42 AM




This is a very amazing  story! 
&, Uma
Fairies Of The Forest
I tell ya, the Fairies of the Forest who inhabit the woods around our mountain cabin sure do have a great sense of humor! They have pulled off two amazing manifestations that I must share with you. They like to poke me in the ribs once in a while to remind me that the Law of Attraction really IS in action.

In Chapter One of my dear friend, Sharon Warren’s book, Magnetizing Your Heart’s Desire, she was kind enough to publish one of my funny stories. I quote it directly here:

A Fun Fishy Creation and Demonstration Story

A humorous example of instant manifesting is a true story shared by my dear friend, Germaine Cabe. Her husband, Steve, like my husband, Duaine, has been somewhat skeptical and a "doubting Thomas" in the past. This is a true story:

"My husband and friends have become very good-natured with their tongue-in-cheek about my constantly saying, ‘Just ask the Universe.�?At least now, they have stopped rolling their eyes and crossing their arms when I either request something from the Universe or give thanks to the Universe when my various desires and outcomes manifest. I was out of the country when this ‘creation�?occurred so I know the Universe was clearly showing them how perfectly it all works, even when I’m not around to do the asking and intending on their behalf.

My husband and our two close friends, John and Michele, rented a rowboat and went trout fishing. Michelle got a good bite and excitedly reeled in her catch. She got it up close to the boat, but since they had no fishing net, the slippery trout managed to jump right out of her hands. They mourned the loss of the trout and set about with determination to catch another one.

Minutes later, John felt a tug on his line and hollered, ‘I’ve got one!�?He reeled in fish #2 and the same scenario was repeated. He got the fish up to the side of the boat, had no net to bring it in, fish got away. John swore under his breath and grunted, ‘THAT’S IT! THE FIRST THING I’M DOING WHEN WE GET OFF THIS BOAT IS GOING DOWN TO THE COUNTRY STORE AND BUY A FISHING NET! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! We’ll never catch anything this way!�?BR>
Five minutes later, John said, ‘Hey, I got something…no, wait…I think my line is just hung up on a log. It doesn’t feel like a fish—not enough action.�?He tugged and reeled away. Then he felt the tension ease and started to bring in the mysterious object. Can you imagine it was a FISHING NET?!? A very nice fishing net, looking no worse for wear after being submerged for how knows how long. The threesome broke out into laughter, raised their beers to the sky and shouted, ‘THANK YOU UNIVERSE!�?A strong desire with no resistance. An instant manifestation in magnetizing their heart’s desire! I really think they are starting to believe and see how this ‘Universe stuff�?works."


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