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AllAboutFaeries : A Fairy Sighting
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2007 6:00 AM





Cool picture with the story to go with it. Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma


My Faery sighting was not a sighting at all, It is an actual photograph I took in my yard with a Faery in it. My daughters and I live in California in a 1920 LA Red Car from the Red Line. (an old streetcar) We live on a beautiful acre full of trees, flowers, animals and plenty of children. My oldest daughter was very involved with her own garden planting plants that would attract Faeroes, flowers, a beautiful Faery house, and much more. She read a lot about Faeroes and was trying to attract them to our yard. Around this time it was 1-1-01, New Year's Day. All the neighborhood girls were over to have a whip cream fight in our yard. There were about 10 kids. I knew my Ricoh 35 mm camera had very low batteries which causes slow shutter speed and might distort the photos but I knew they would probably look cool. To my amazement when we got the photos back my daughter saw the Faery plain as day in one of the photos. Two legs, two arms, wings in motion, a wand, brown short hair, even a gold tiara in her hair. I right away checked the negative, and bright as day, the Faery is there! I did not see it at the time I took the photo. It is beautiful! We are blessed. Saige



A Bee bg

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