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AllAboutFaeries : Photographic Proof Of Little Fairies
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2007 6:58 AM





I love this one! Hope you all enjoy it.

Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma


We received this amazing story and photo in July 2002 and even we were shocked! Photographic proof of little folks? You have to look for yourself!

My husband and I own a landscaping company in Canada. We have a practice of taking before and after photographs of the sites. Last week my husband went to price a project at a property that is deep in the bush in Tory Hill. While taking pictures of the driveway that was to be redone, he saw in his peripheral vision things moving but never actually saw anything when he turned to look. That same day he went to three other jobsites and did the same thing. We never got around to looking at the pictures until today when he came back from the Tory Hill job, having taken some more pictures, I took the digital camera and uploaded the pictures to my computer to prepare to upload them to our website. Much to our astonishment there are images that look like little tiny fairies, or should I say fairy shaped white lights. The amazing thing, besides that, is that they are only seen on the Tory Hill project site. Both on the initial photographs he took last week and again on the ones he took today. We were so amazed by this I just had to find someplace to share this. So here is one of the shots. Let me know if you would like to see the rest. Honest to God, there is no enhancement to these things. They are just on there. I have used this digital camera for two years now with the same disc. Nothing like this has happened before. Would love to hear your opinion of them. I have tried to blow the image up but it just gets grainier. Thanks ever so much.

...and later...

They are most definitely not birds. Greg would have easily noticed that many birds disturbed and in flight. Besides that we have no white birds here. Only white ones are the snowy owl and they are only pure white in the dead of winter and would never fly in flocks. These were very small. With the images blown up full screen you can see that they are about the size of an index finger. They also have legs hanging down, birds, other than Herons, fly with their legs tucked up...


A Bee bg

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